s h o w e r

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this man is so attractive

this man is so attractive

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I whisper yelled to myself as I heard keys in my front door. I panicked slightly before quickly running to the bathroom as I realised my roommate was on their way to me, I quickly shut the door to the bathroom. Josh stuck his head out of the shower and looked at me confused,

'everything okay baby?',

Josh asked me, I went to respond when I heard my roommate right outside of the door,

'y/n I left my phone in the bathroom can I just come in and get it while your in the shower!',

My roommate asked. I panicked slightly before quickly jumping in the shower with Josh hiding behind the shower curtain,

'yeah sure thing',

I yelled back at them. Josh went to say something to me but I shook my head at him before putting my hand over his mouth, I could feel him smile under neath my hand. I heard the door open and my room mate walk in,

'I'll see you later!',

I yelled out to my roommate as she closed the door, I waited until I heard her fully leave the room before I removed my hand,

'do you want to share a towel to?',

Josh asked me, I went to shake my head at him and leave the shower but he quickly put his hands on to my sides and completely pulled me under the water with him,


I yelled somewhat annoyed at my boyfriend, he was laughing his head off. I shook my head at him slightly as his hands slowly found their way to the bottom of my dress,

'and here I was thinking that one shower was enough today'.

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