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'uh Jaden!',

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'uh Jaden!',

Bryce yelled as he opened the door and began to look at me confused and concerned, Bryce quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house knowing that I wouldn't be able to do so. I shook my head and Bryce quickly realised I was unable to say a word to him. My breathing became more rapid,


Bryce yelled again a lot of louder. After a few moments Jaden quickly came running to us,

'Bryce what's going on?',

I heard him ask, Bryce moved out of the way so Jaden could see me. Jaden's heart broken slightly as he saw me, I avoided his eye contact looking down at my hands,

'y/n baby you're shaking, what's wrong?',

Jaden asked me, I shook my head at him slightly. Jaden put his hands onto mine and they slowly stopped shaking,

'j, i-i don't know what to do',

I stuttered out to him. He nodded his head at me and pulled me into him, he kissed the top of my head,

'you don't need to; I've got you'.

tik tok imagines 5Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora