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'sorry baby I got to go, I've got a studio session with (I have no clue to be honest)',

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'sorry baby I got to go, I've got a studio session with (I have no clue to be honest)',

I said trying to climb out of Jaden's arms, his grip around me became tighter,

'just 5 more minutes',

Jaden groaned, I smiled slightly still trying to get out of his arms,

'baby I am going to be late if you don't let go of me and let me get to work',

I said to him managing to remove one of his hands from my body. He groaned again,

'you could just pretend that you are sick or something',

Jaden said to me, I looked at him confused as I managed to climb out of the bed,

'why don't you want me to go to the studio?',

I asked him, he groaned slightly before shaking his head at me. I looked at him quite shocked,

'wait a minute, is the Jaden Hossler jealous?',

I asked my boyfriend, he slowly began to smile at me. I slowly smiled back at my boyfriend before climbing back into bed and on top of him,

'J, you have no reason to be jealous. I love you okay?'.

tik tok imagines 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora