h a i r

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'sorry guys Vinnie is going to say goodbye so that I can cut his hair',

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'sorry guys Vinnie is going to say goodbye so that I can cut his hair',

I said to the viewers on his stream, I grabbed his mouse and tried to end it but couldn't figure out how. Vinnie laughed eventually taking the mouse back and ending the stream,

'okay how was I meant to know where the end stream button is?',

I somewhat asked my boyfriend with a smile across my face. He laughed again and shook his head at me,

'it's off right?',

I asked him. He nodded his head at me and I slowly sat down on to his lap, essentially straddling him, he began to smile at me

'are you really going to cut my hair?',

Vinnie asked me, I slowly began to nod my head at him as my hands began to rest on his chest,

'yes, yes I am',

I said to him slowly climbing off of his lap quickly grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bathroom,

'sit down and stay still'.

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