b u r n

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ugh this man

'no you need to leave!',

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'no you need to leave!',

I heard Josh yell, I was unsure of what was happening until I heard my manager speak up,

'no y/n has interviews lined up for the rest of the day and then a photo shoot over night',

My manager said to my boyfriend, Josh walked towards my manager,

'no she isn't; if you actually cared about her you would understand that she is beyond fucking exhausted right now and if you can't see that I need you to leave my house right now!',

Josh yelled at my assistant. In a bit of a huff my manager somewhat stormed out of the house, I slowly walked into the kitchen, where Josh was. Josh immediately looked towards me,

'did you hear that?',

Josh asked me, I slowly nodded my head at him with a sympathetic smile on my face. I continued to walk towards him,


I said my voice cracking slightly. Josh immediately moved towards me seeing the exhaustion on my face and body,

'baby it's okay',

Josh said to me, I collapsed into him as he wrapped his arms around me. He was as the only thing holding me up right, he left a kiss on the top of my head,

'Josh I haven't showered in four days',

I said to him tears welling in my eyes, he rubbed his hand up and down my back after slipping his hand up my shirt,

'baby it's okay; I think your manager got the picture, we are going to some the next few days together and I am going to make sure you relax, get some sleep and most definitely shower',

Josh said to me pulling back slightly with a slight smile on his face. I nodded my head at him trying not to cry, I stood up so I was no longer relying on Josh for support. He moved his hands to my face slowly wiping the tears from my face,

'thank you Josh',

I said to him with a small smile on my face knowing that it was exactly what I needed. Josh gave me a kiss before pulling away slightly,

'that's what supportive boyfriends are for; I love you y/n and I don't want to see you burn out'.

tik tok imagines 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora