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'I'm so glad you came over',

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'I'm so glad you came over',

Mia said to me, I smiled at her slightly,

'well as he who must not be named doesn't live here anymore I'll be happy to come here any time you want',

I said to Mia, she nodded her head at me before her eyes grew wide. I looked at him somewhat confused and somewhat concerned,

'uh oh my god y/n; I am so sorry',

Mia said to me, I looked at her confused putting my hand on her arm,

'Mia what's going on? are you okay?',

I asked her. She looked at me somewhat scared,

'Mia, is that the pizza delivery guy I'm starving!',

I heard someone yell as they ran towards the door. I quickly shook my head at Mia as I realised who it was, Vinnie the one person I was trying to avoid. I shook my head as I slowly made eye contact with Vinnie,

'y/n, hi; how are you?',

Vinnie asked me, I let out a shaky breath and raised my eyebrows at him wondering why he was truly asking me that. I shook my head at him,

'do you want the truth or do you just want the answer I'm telling everyone so they will leave me alone?',

I asked my ex boyfriend, he moved closer to me somewhat signally to Mia to leave us alone. Mia quickly left and I slowly avoided his eye contact,

'tell me the truth y/n',

Vinnie said somewhat sincerely, I nodded my head at him as tears slowly fell from my eyes,

'I am not okay Vinnie, every time I wake up I reach for you but you're not there anymore and it's like reliving the break up every day',

I said to him as tears began to roll down my face, Vinnie avoided my eye contact as he realised how much I was hurting. Vinnie grabbed my hand and I flinched slightly but let him hold it,

'I'm here y/n; I never stopped loving you and I never will'.

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