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Walter started to remember that his mother tried to raise him when he got older.
But those were the hard times.
Especially for her.
But she died in a car accident.

Walter let go of that memory a long time ago.
After taking a few notes on Vanessa and her family.
Using a small pocket-sized notepad, and placing it on the edge of the desk he was sitting at.
He read that they were secretly hauling and smuggling weapons all over the world in the western American region.
The mother Liz was a dangerous anthro that has been dealing with dangerous and scary anthros around the closet in western areas where She was shipping and transferring what she assumed to be most important to her buyers.
Such as the best and most advanced pieces of warfare technology in the human area of America.
And She had workers such as assassins, employees, killers, criminals, ex-military for hire.
She would answer to them to kill any human or anthros that she wants dead or brought alive to be tortured by her.
Liz only had Vanessa and no father in the family to find that he was remarried and living with a family, working as a manager at a Starbucks.
Walter absorbed all of this he was able to tap into the deals and the FBI, CIA, and The Police Department that has been tracking her down ever Since and so Walter was able to get access by hacking into their mainframes to look through and find any useful information.
Because Walter knew that she was going after him and he will be ready.
Liz will do anything in her power to find him and have her revenge.
He did another search if she owned any undercover places such as restaurants, bars, or clubs.
Walter found that she own a club by a false name and it was called The Red Fang.
Once he finished his research, he heard an alarm go off and checked one of the monitors that he had in front of him to see that his grandmother had pulled into the driveway of the house.
Quickly, he grabbed his belongings and left the warehouse to hope to meet her by the time he gets to the house on time.

To be continued

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