Bio (Minor Spoilers)

Start from the beginning

You're very acrobatic, this allows you to maneuver around the battlefield with ease. Allowing you to preform stunts that wouldn't normally be useful in battle, but you make it work.

It's been your at your most dangerous when you are out of knives. This is because, tho light, they do weigh you down, but with them gone, you can move freely. It may seem like a minor difference, but it's big enough to change the tide of a fight, even more so when you take off your trench coat.

After Keyblade

After gaining the Keyblade, your physical abilities increased slightly, but the main difference is your new range of abilities the Keyblade grants you. You did have to adapt to the new style tho, as you're used to a short blade and this one is the length of a standard sword. Course it being so lite but balanced made it easier. However, you still use your short blade and knives when you feel it's not necessary to use your Keyblade. You did adapt a dual blade fighting style, using the short blade for swift and defensive attacks, while using the Keyblade for strong and ranged attacks.

You later adapted your dirty darts fighting style with the Keyblade but with a chain rather than wires, this is due to the Keyblade's strength and weight. Plus, you can now use it for retraining bigger or stronger targets.


Before Keyblade

None, primarily martial art techniques, but nothing in particular.

After Keyblade

Slowly you learn and gain access to the Keyblade's magic abilities, here's a list of a few examples.

* Note: I'll also come up with my own that either come with it later on or you make yourself.

Gained (will be unlocked/learned throughout the story.)

* Fire: Shots out a fireball from the tip of the blade, later can be augmented to increase its size, number and uses. As well as causing a constant fire damage effect on your targets

* Blizzard: shoots out multiple ice spikes from the tip of the blade. Later can be augmented to increase the number, size and speed of them. As well as cause a freezing effect on your targets.

* Thunder: it forms a ring around the tip of the blade and rains lighting bolts within a certain range around the user. Later can be augmented to increase the number of bolts, size and range of the bolts. As well as causing a shock effect on your target. Also, focusing it into a single bolt that shoots out from the tip of the blade.

* Cure: can heal the user or anyone from almost any damage, but must be holding the blade or tap the blade onto their target. The damage that can be healed depends on the overall damage and how much Mana the user has.

* Aero: it forms a wind barrier around the user. Later can be augmented to increase the size and strength of the barrier as well as for it to remain as long as the Keyblade is out, typically embedded into the ground.

* Gravity: forms a ball of purple energy around a given target that magnifies the gravity within its range, casually causing damage. Later can be augmented to increase its size, gravity, and number. As well as reversing the gravity, called Zero Gravity.

* And more later one as you progress through the story of the other games and the other worlds.

Invented (spells you created after learning more about your Keyblade and magic in general)

The New Keyblade Bearer | Kingdom Hearts Crossover Huge Harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now