Chapter 42- Magical Memories

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~•~Three Months Later~•~

Buddy Calvin Claus entered the world on Christmas Eve, just mere hours before my Dad delivered gifts to all of the children of the world. I absolutely adored my new little brother, and I could tell he adored me as well. Whenever Bernard and I watched him to give Mr. and Mrs. Claus a break, I would use my magic to create small sparkles of light to entertain my baby brother, which he loved. It always filled my heart with joy to see his eyes light up with wonder and happiness whenever I showed him my powers.

Buddy, or 'Cal' as we liked to call him, was fascinated by anything Christmas related. He would often grab at Bernard and mine's elf ears, fall asleep to gentle Christmas carols, and he giggled whenever Dad would go up and down the chimney.

Dad has also been taking way more time off for his family. He's managed to find a healthy balance between his job as Santa and being a good husband and father to his family, which made me ecstatic. He even began flying Mom, Neal, Lucy, and Charlie up to the Pole for frequent visits, and all-in-all, it's made our family closer.

Carol has significantly improved as well. Before she was often depressed because of how lonely she became with her husband always working, but since Dad's change of heart, the birth of Cal, and visits from our family who lived down south became more frequent, Carol was now as happy as I had ever seen her.

With each passing day, Curtis was becoming more and more responsible, and it amazed me to see how much he had grown since I first met him all those years ago. He had become a mature young elf, and believe it or not, he actually decided that he didn't want to be the head elf when Bernard stepped down and retired. Curtis realized that his true passion was in inventing, and he decided to pursue it. I was so proud of him.

In the end, Betty ended up taking Curtis' role as the head elf in training, and she did amazing. Bernard and I both knew that she'd make an incredible head elf one day.

Even Jack Frost was doing better. He was continuing his community service around the North Pole, but unlike before, he was now putting forth effort and treating everyone around him with kindness. I could tell he still felt horrible about how much he wreaked things while he still had a frozen heart because of how much he was trying to make it up to Santa, Mrs. Claus, the other elves, and even me and Bernard.

Jack actually invited Bernard and me out to dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in the Elf Village recently so he could formally apologize to the both of us. Although Bernard was skeptical and slow to forgive Jack for all the pain he had put me and the other elves through, Jack sincerely apologized to us not only by saying sorry but also by showing he was sorry in his actions.

It took a bit of time, but Bernard and I soon found it in our hearts to forgive Jack and move on. It wasn't easy, but Jack Frost finally thawed out his frozen heart and became a better person because of it.

As for Bernard and I?

Well...our love for each other only grew with each passing day. Even though we were both busy with our jobs and various obligations, we never lost sight of what was important. After everything we've been through together, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that we could handle whatever life threw our way.

"(Yn)? Are you almost ready?" I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard Bernard calling for me.

"Yeah!!" I called back, quickly checking my appearance in the mirror of my wooden vanity. My hair was pulled up into a braided bun with a few loose strands of my (hc) locks sticking out, I had a little bit of makeup on my face, and I was wearing a beautiful white dress with long flowing sleeves that shimmered-like freshly fallen snow-along with a pair of dress boots. I swiftly grasped the beautiful necklace Bernard gave me the night we met and struggled to put it on due to the clasp.

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