Chapter 27- A Special Occasion

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I had to admit, I was incredibly impressed by how quickly the elves were able to put a wedding together. Within fifteen minutes, the event planning elves managed to get a bouquet and white cloak for Carol, a venue prepared for the ceremony, and call in the Council of Legendary Figures to attend the wedding.

Carol appointed me to be her maid of honor, Abby and Betty to be her other bridesmaids, and Dad choose Charlie to be his best man, along with Bernard, Curtis, and the Tooth Fairy as his groomsmen. Mother Nature was the officiant of the wedding.

Suddenly, the elf band began the ceremony, and beautiful music began playing. We all turned our heads to see Carol standing at the back of the room, wearing a white cloak and holding a bouquet of white and red roses. I noticed Dad tearing up as she began walking down the aisle.

As Carol reached us, Mother Nature gave her a warm smile. She looked around the room at the guests and beamed. She then turned to face Dad. "Scott Calvin, do you take Carol Newman to be your Mrs. Claus, to love and cherish through the good and the bad as long as you both shall live?"

Dad never took his eyes off Carol. "I do."

Mother Nature shifted to Carol. "Carol Newman, do you take Scott Calvin to be your Mr. Claus, to love and cherish through the good and the bad as long as you both shall live?"

Carol smiled. "I do."

Mother Nature's face lit up. "Then by the power vested in me, now pronounce you, Santa, and Mrs. Claus."

Dad and Carol smiled at one another for a moment, before Mother Nature chuckled a bit. "Well, go on now! Kiss her!"

Dad slowly leaned close to her face, and they lovingly kissed one another. All the elves cheered as they leaned close together. As the two of them parted, Dad's hair started growing white and his belly began jiggling like a bowl full of jelly. Within seconds, he once again had a long white beard, and his signature Santa body had returned.

I suddenly felt a surge of magic flow through my body, and I felt my ears grow long and pointy just like they had been before this whole mess began. In a state of pure joy, I soared into the sky and created an explosion of magic sparkles and snow that floated onto the crowd below. I beamed at the feeling of once again having my magic and being able to fly. I flew around in a couple of quick circles, feeling the wind ruffle my (hc) hair before I soared back down to the ground and into Bernard's arms.

Bernard spun me in circles, his smile spreading from ear to ear. "Snow Angel!! You're magic is back!"

I grinned and embraced him. "I'm just glad we can stay together, B. I love you." Tears of joy escaped from my eyes. We parted our hug and I cupped one of his sparkly cheeks in my hand. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too." He softly spoke, the smile never leaving his face. His lips met mine, and we lovingly kissed.


The next week after the wedding took a lot of adjusting. After Dad married Carol, they moved into a beautiful house next door to the workshop. Dad offered to let me come live with them, but I decided to stay in my room. I liked being close to Bernard and the other elves. I also quickly learned that having a new stepmom wasn't something I was prepared for. As much as I loved Carol and how much joy she brought my Dad, things were still a little bit awkward between us. We had hardly even spoken before she and Dad left to go on their three-month honeymoon, leaving Bernard and me in charge of the North pole until they got back (Thank the stars that Dad learned from last time and didn't make a clone of himself again).

As much as I missed my dad while he was gone, I was also excited to be able to spend time with Bernard. Thanks to the Mrs. Clause, we had hardly spent any quality time together in the past two months because we were always weighed down by the stress of the fate of Christmas being in jeopardy. So, saying that I was excited for today was an understatement.

As I frantically rifled through the clothes hung up in my wardrobe, my worry only grew. Today Bernard and I were both able to take off work, so we were going to spend the whole day together. The timing worked out perfectly because Curtis finally reached the point in his head elf training where he could test his skills and serve as the honorary head elf for the day. Curtis was incredibly enthusiastic.

I groaned in frustration as I stared at my closet of clothes. "Why do I have nothing to wear?!" I muttered to myself. Suddenly one article of clothing caught my eye: a light (fc) off-the-shoulder dress with a flowy above-the-knee skirt and sleeves. "I can work with this..." I grabbed the dress and my boots. I quickly changed into the outfit and dashed to my mirror. I examined my clothing choice when an idea struck me. Slowly, I raised my hands and concentrated on my magic, allowing the energy to coarse through my veins. I sensed my fingertips tingling as a soft white glow emitted from my palms. I waved my arms in the sky and twirled around as a small explosion of magic glitter escaped my hands and gently drifted down onto my outfit. I smiled to myself as I slowly turned to face different directions and admired the way my dress shimmered with each movement. I quickly fixed my hair and put on my shoes, and as I ran toward the door, I remembered one last item that I needed. I sprinted to my dresser and grabbed my necklace from Bernard, and slid it over my head. 

I suddenly heard a knock on my door, and my eyes lit up. I was so excited that I actually flew over to my door. I was still hovering above the floor as I opened the door to greet Bernard. His brown eyes stared at me as though it was the first time we ever met. A slight blush grew on his sparkling cheeks. "S-Snow look stunning."

I could feel my cheeks grow warm and I floated back down to the ground. "Thank you..." I sheepishly tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear as my eyes met his own. I eyed his outfit up and down; he was wearing a solid-colored button-down shirt, dress pants, shiny black elf shoes, fingerless gloves, and a long dark evergreen dress coat with gold accent stitching, along with his signature beret. "You don't look too bad yourself..." I commented, still admiring his outfit. My fingers gently grazed the sleeve of his dress coat. "I love this coat. How come you've never worn it?"

"Oh, this old thing? It was a gift from the last head elf. It's several hundred years old, so I only wear it on special occasions." He explained.

"Is today a special occasion?" I asked.

Bernard chuckled, and his laugh filled me with joy. "We'll see." He winked and held his hand out to me. "Shall we?"

Excitement bubbled inside me as I smiled and took his hand. "We shall."

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora