Chapter 11- Snow Angels

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Hiya everyone!!
Before we start, I just wanted to give a huge thank you to you guys for 1k reads! I only posted this like a week ago, so the fact that it already has so many readers is amazing. Thank you all for your votes, support, and comments! It means so so so much to me!
Alright, back to Bernard ;)

I shut my eyes in concentration. Sweat dripped down my brow as I clenched my jaw, straining to summon my magic. The winter air around Bernard and I felt pleasant against my skin, almost refreshing. I took a deep breath.

"(Yn)!! You're doing it!!" I heard a joyful voice exclaim.

I slowly opened my (ec) eyes and smiled. My feet were hovering a couple of feet above the air. I was floating. "Oh my gosh!! This is amazing!!" I exclaimed, flying circles around Bernard.

Bernard's eyes sparkled with pride. "It's incredible, Snow Angel!"

I soared around the clearing in the woods we had been practicing in, cheering in delight. As the wind ruffled my hair, I felt all of life's problems blow away with it. Life suddenly seemed less daunting from above. The fresh air made me feel all tingly. Not from the cold or my nerves...from my excitement.

My celebration was cut short when I felt my body getting extremely weary. Everything ached. Feeling exhausted, I started my descent, but my magic abandoned me, leaving me in gravity's clutches. As I plummeted toward the ground, I screamed while I imagined the worst.

To my surprise, I didn't crash into the Earth. Bernard caught me in his arms.

I looked at him.

He looked at me.

When we realized how close our faces were to one another, our sparkly cheeks turned bright red in perfect sync.

"S-Sorry..." I weakly spoke. "I don't know what happened...I just suddenly felt exhausted."

"It takes a lot of energy to use magic for the first time. I'm not surprised that you feel so drained." He gave me a worried look. "Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?"

I lightly chuckled. "I'm okay, B." I gave him a gentle smile, as though to prove my point. "I'm just super tired. I can't believe I was only able to stay in the air for a total of three minutes before my magic gave out. I'm really sorry, Bernard."

"Hey, hey, don't have anything to apologize for, Snow Angel. Your safety is more important to me than your magic. Besides, you've made amazing progress today. Once you practice a bit you'll be able to fly for longer periods of time." He said in a kind tone. "Do you want to take a break for a few days?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Christmas Eve is only a week away. Once I'm rested up I want to get back to training. I won't get better if I don't practice."

"Are you sure?"

I giggled a bit. "Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine. You can set me down, too. I can walk on my own." I pointed at his arms, which were still holding onto me tight.

"Oh, sorry!" He set me down gently. Bernard chuckled and a dorky grin came with it. I adored his laugh; it was music to my ears. Although it was rare, whenever Bernard laughed he could instantly light up a room, and make anyone smile. I wished he wasn't so stressed so he could show it off more often.

Snowflakes suddenly began falling from the sky and gently swirled around us. My eyes lit up. This was the first time it's snowed since coming here.

"We'd better head back," Bernard commented as he looked at the sky.

I didn't respond and simply laid down in the snow. Bernard gave me a puzzled look as I patted the spot next to me. "Trust me." I softly said.

The head elf slowly laid down beside me and glanced my way. "Now what?"

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now