Chapter 13- The E.L.F.S.

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Things were quiet for the first few hours. As many of the elves were in the workshop celebrating, Bernard and I were in my bedroom, resting on the loveseat with sparkling cider. As I took a sip of the cider, I nervously looked at Bernard. "So... how are we going to tell my Dad?"

Bernard almost choked on his cider. "Heh...I have no idea. I'm pretty sure that he's going to kill me if he finds out I'm dating his only daughter."

I would've giggled if I wasn't so nervous. "I'm sure he won't kill you..."

"Do you think he already knows? I mean, I think most of the North Pole has figured it out by now." Bernard fidgets with one of his dreadlocks.

I shook my head. "Nah, he's oblivious to that sort of thing."

My boyfriend breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, good." He paused for a moment, clearly deep in thought about something. "What if we-"

Bernard was cut off by the walkie-talkie's static filling the air from the coffee table it was resting on. I gasped and lunged for it. "Charlie!" I quickly grabbed the machine. "Charlie? Charlie? Do you read me?"

"(Yn)! ...Dad is in trouble...he was the police!" Through the static, I could make out his worried voice. "We need you copy?"

My heartbeat sped up as I worried about Dad and Charlie. "Roger that, Charlie! We're sending backup!"

I didn't need to say anything else; Bernard was already running out the door to alert the elves.

"Hurry!" Charlie cried.

As we hung up, I strapped my walkie-talking to my belt and grabbed my coat. I zipped down the hall and caught up to Bernard, who was speaking to one of the other elves. "Deploy the E.L.F.S!" He ordered.

"On it!" The elf replied, sprinting away.

"Bernard!" I grabbed his hands. "I'm going with them."

He shook his head. "No way. It's too dangerous."

"My family is in trouble. I'm not just going to sit on the sidelines and not do anything about it!" I firmly declared. "Besides, the other elves can go. Why can't I?"

"The other elves have decades of experience. (Yn), I can't risk you getting hurt, or caught...or...or..." He rambled, desperately looking me in the eyes.

I softly smiled at the head elf. "I'll be okay." I gently pecked his cheek, causing him to turn bright red. "I can do this."

Bernard forced out a worried grin as he stared into my (ec) eyes. "Alright, I trust you." He quickly pulled me into a tight hug. "Please come back home, safe." He mumbled. I could hear the worry and desperation in his voice.

I rubbed soothing circles on his back. "I will."


As one of the E.L.F.S members helped me prepare for takeoff, he looked at me with stern eyes. "Remember, never fly too close to trees, telephone pulls, and any other object that could get snagged in your jetpack. We don't want you getting caught on anything."

I secured one of the straps from my jetpack and gave him a thumbs-up. Even though I could fly, I figured it would probably be safer if I just used a jetpack. My magic was still pretty weak, so I didn't want to risk my magic giving out on the long journey.

As we prepared for takeoff, Bernard gently took my hand in his own. He looked at me with worry, like a frightened puppy. "Be careful, Snow Angel."

I nodded at him. "I will, B," I assured him, revving up the jet pack.

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now