Chapter 25- Stronger Together

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When we finally reached the workshop, I was shivering and my whole body was completely numb. After reverting back into a human, I not only lost my ability to do magic, but my elf ability for the cold to not affect me as badly deserted me. A hike through the woods of the North Pole in sub-zero temperatures wasn't doing my body any favors. Even after Betty gave me her winter cloak I was still furiously shivering.

I held my hands against my chest, hoping to warm them up. I couldn't even feel my fingers, ears, feet, or nose. I was numb. Bernard's arm was wrapped around my shoulder as we walked through the snow, and his hand held my shivering fingers close to my chest. The three of us managed to sneak in through the back doors of the workshop, and Bernard grabbed Betty and me and pulled us down behind one of the worktables.

I slowly peeked my head up and looked around the once cheerful workshop with horror. The floors and tables were covered in black coal dust, and the room was completely empty except for toy Santa outfitted in a black military general outfit and his toy soldiers. In the center of the room, I noticed Curtis and my dad tied together with a red ribbon. I almost didn't recognize Dad at first, because he had officially reverted back to looking like Scott Calvin. "Where are the elves?" I whispered.

"In there." Betty softly spoke, pointing to a side room with tinted glass. She glanced at Bernard. "What do we do, boss?"

Bernard shook his head, thinking over his options. "We need to wait for toy Santa to leave. If we're gonna stop him, we'll need the real Santa and the elves help."

My fingers tingled a bit as I felt my body begin to warm up. "You're right. Plus, it'll allow me to warm up so I can help."

Bernard looked at me like I was crazy. "You can't fight, (yn)! Look at you, you're practically frozen solid!"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm helping you. I'll be fine, B."

"No way."

I frowned. "The North Pole and the fate of Christmas are in danger! I'm helping whether you like it or not."

He sighed. "You can't-"

I cut him off. "I can't what? You don't think I can do it?"

"That's not what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?"

Bernard took my hands in his own. "I don't want you to get hurt, Snow Angel." His brown eyes widened with worry. "I-I already almost lost you once. I can't risk you getting captured, or hurt, or..." he trailed off."

I know that you're scared. I am too." I felt my tone soften once I realized Bernard's true intentions. "But if we're going to have any shot at beating toy Santa, we can't be apart. We're stronger together." I looked at my boyfriend with a determined gaze.

Bernard gave me a small grin. "Alright." We continued to wait in our hiding spot, watching toy Santa for the perfect moment to free the elves. As I listened to their conversation, I just felt myself wanting to jump out of my hiding spot and punch that stupid rubber Santa.

"Sometimes being a despot is a tough business..." Toy Santa chuckled, approaching my dad. "It's Scott, isn't it?"

"Yeah. What are you supposed to be?" He shot back.

Toy Santa leaned closer to Dad. "A better, stronger version of what you used to be, with a flawless complexion, I might add." He put on a big cheesy smile. "Look, it just glistens."

I heard Betty gag from beside me. "You and me both..." I muttered.

"Listen to me! I'm back now." Dad angrily spoke. "So, untie us. Let the elves go and give me back the coat."

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now