Chapter 20- Baking

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Hey Guys!!
I just wanted to give all of you a real quick thank you!! This book has reached 8 thousand readers, which is incredible!! All of you are so so amazing, and I'm so thankful for each of you! You all give me so much motivation to keep writing with your kind comments and encouragement. You're the best!!
Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming :)

Bernard and I entered the reindeer stables, where Dad was getting a very unhappy Comet ready to leave. "Comet, I don't want to take Prancer. I wanna take a trip with you." Dad said as he put the reins onto Comet. "When's the last time we had a cruise?"

Comet grumbled some more and Dad patted his neck. "I love you, buddy...besides, Prancer ate too many apples. We know what that means."

"Hey, Dad!" I greeted.

"Hi, (Yn)." He said, smiling at me.

I looked at Comet, and then at Dad. "You're about to leave?"

He nodded. "Now I'm just trying to convince Comet to take me."

Bernard pulled the watch out of his pocket and smiled. "Before you go, take a look at your watch."

"Hey! Can't go anywhere without that." Dad took the watch from the head elf and admired it.

"I've done some work on it."

Dad smiled. "It's beautiful, Bernard, it really is."

"You like it?" Bernard checked, nervously smiling, hoping to get Santa's approval. I knew how much he prided himself on his work.

"I love it!" He replied. "The workmanship is fabulous!"

"It has a power reserve that measures how much magic you have left," Bernard explained.

"It's at ten," I added.

Dad nodded. "That should be enough."

"But if you use any magic for any reason, the level drops." The head elf warned. "Santa, if it gets to zero, you won't be able to return to the Pole." He nervously spoke.

"Okay..." Dad leaned closer to us so none of the elves who were in the stable could overhear him. "Then let's not let it get to zero."

Bernard smiled at Dad and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Look at me. What's the most important thing?"

"For you to not touch Santa?"

Bernard quickly removed his hand. "For you to come back!" He lightheartedly spoke, chuckling a bit. I could tell just how nervous he was.

I approached Comet and gently stroked his muzzle. "Take good care of him, boy." Comet nodded in reply and I gave him a carrot, which he happily scarfed down.

I walked over to my Dad. "Please come back home safe."

Dad quickly pulled me into a hug and held me tight. "I'll be home soon. I'm not planning on retiring just yet." he joked.

I chuckled through my nerves. "You got this, Dad."

"Thanks, sweetheart."

As I hugged my dad I rested my head against his chest. "I love you," I whispered.

Dad patted my back. "I love you, too."


Watching toy Santa was a major responsibility. He had to be watched almost constantly, he was always getting into random things, and his voice was so annoying. It reminded me of when I babysat back when I was still human, except ten times harder.

Winter Dream (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now