Chapter 37- The Escape Clause

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In the late afternoon, Bernard and I took off work and left Curtis in charge so we could spend some quality time with the family, something we didn't do nearly enough. Although Bernard was a bit on edge about leaving Curtis in charge, I managed to convince him that it would be alright for us to take a break.

Now, Dad, Carol, Carol's parents, and Jack Frost were gathered in Dad's living room decorating the tree.

As I strung popcorn through a string to make a garland for the tree, I heard Bernard grumbling to himself as he attempted to thread a needle for the garland. I chuckled a bit, and scooted across the rug we were sitting on so I could offer assistance. "Let me help, love." I offered.

Bernard handed me the needle and thread, and I carefully stuck the thread through the eye of the needle. I passed it back to him. "Thanks, (Yn)."

"Of course!" I spoke, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

As I went back to making garland, I heard Carol's mom, Sylvia, speak up. "I remember when we had what they have..." She passive-aggressively muttered to her husband.

Carol's dad, Bud, scoffed. "You always have to complain, don't you?"

As Bud and Sylvia continued their petty bickering, Bernard and I gave one another a knowing glance. We were extremely uncomfortable by their conversation. "They sure are a joy, aren't they?" Bernard whispered so only I could hear him.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it..."

Suddenly, the sound of a phone ringing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" filled the room, and Dad chuckled, clearly glad for a distraction. "Sorry, that's for me." He spoke, pulling a cell phone out of his pocket. "Curtis? What's the matter?"

I heard Bernard sigh from beside me.

"...Of course all those bears are machine-washable...Right. Just put it on the card...I can't be in two places at once. You gotta manage and stop calling every time something goes wrong. I'm a little busy with my family, Curtis. All I want to see is busy, busy worker tushies." Dad spoke over the phone, sounding incredibly frustrated.

I noticed Carol watching her husband expectantly, pacing back and forth while holding the crystal tree topper. As each minute Dad remained on the phone passed by, Carol became more and more downhearted. I sighed, feeling sorry for her.

"Hey, hey!" Bud shouted from the rolling ladder he was using to string up lights. "I'm rolling downhill."

Bernard hopped up and swiftly ran to his aid to stop the ladder from rolling any further.

"This is not up to code, this building," Bud commented.

Bernard sighed in annoyance but plastered a big smile on his face regardless in an attempt to be welcoming. "If you have an issue with the way the house was built, you are more than welcome to discuss your concerns with the North Po-" Bernard suddenly caught his mistake. "North CANADIAN preservation society!"

"...You're number two. Act like it." Dad spoke over the phone.

"Why haven't you put the tree topper on yet?" Jack suddenly asked Carol

"Oh...Scott's just been a little busy." Carol replied, watching as Santa rifled through the naughty and nice list.

"Tell your dad to do it." Jack Frost snickered. "And then watch the suddenly displaced Mr. Claus run right over." Carol looked unsure, but Jack continued to push. "Eh? Go ahead. It'll be fun."

"Dad, do you wanna help me with the tree topper?" Carol asked loud enough for her husband to hear.

"Yeah, in a minute," Bud replied, climbing down the ladder.

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