Chapter 29- My Love

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After Bernard and I announced our engagement to the North Pole, the elves went ballistic. They were so joyful for the two of us, and that joy quickly spread throughout the North Pole. I couldn't recall a time when the Pole was more full of happiness and excitement; not even when Dad married Carol.

My Dad and Stepmom were just as excited to hear about the engagement. Apparently, Bernard had asked my Dad for permission to propose a little while before their honeymoon, so Dad was already prepared for the news. Even though he knew it was coming, that didn't stop him from being overly excited for the both of us.

Soon enough, wedding preparations were in full swing, and Bernard and I were up to our heads in planning what needed to be done. Thankfully, Curtis had taken temporary control of the head elf position so Bernard could turn all of his attention to the wedding.

As excited as the two of us were, we were also terrified. Bernard was becoming incredibly stressed out and irritable, and I could only watch with concern as he spiraled farther and farther down into his old habits of sacrificing sleep and not wanting any help from anyone. It reminded me of the way he acted when we first met. It hurt me to see him in such a state, so one day, a couple of weeks before the wedding, I intervened.

I heard a knock on the door, right as I was placing the last fuzzy blanket on the pillow fort I had built. I giggled and climbed inside my makeshift fort. "Come in!" I spoke in a sing-song voice.

I heard the door open followed by Bernard's voice. "Snow Angel? Are you in here?" The sounds of footsteps grew louder as he walked closer to my fort. "Curtis told me you needed me?" Moments later, the pink blanket that acted as a doorway to the pillow fort was pushed to the side, and the head elf poked his head in.

I quickly pulled him inside the cozy pile of blankets and pillows and shut the doorway. "So...what do you think?" I asked.

Bernard scoffed. "I can't see anything."

"Allow me," I smiled, holding one of my hands in the air. I took a deep breath.

In. Out. In. Out.

I felt the tingling sensation of magic coursing through my veins followed by a soft glow emitting from my fingertips. Small orbs of light floated up into the atmosphere and began dotting the ceiling of the pillow fort, creating a starry sky. Bernard's eye's sparked as he watched me use my magic. "Better?" I inquired.

Bernard nodded. "Yeah...but what are we doing in this igloo of pillows and blankets?"

"It's not an igloo! It's a pillow fort." I stated matter-of-factly, a cheeky grin decorating my lips.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, so what are we doing in this pillow fort? This isn't the time for goofing off; the wedding is in two weeks, (yn)!"

"That's exactly why we're here, B!" I looked at him with concerned eyes. "You've been spending so much time planning this wedding that you've worked yourself to death! You stay cooped up in your office all day, you're being snappy with all the elves, and I'm pretty sure that you haven't slept in a week! Not to even mention the fact that we haven't spent any time together in who knows how long." I took one of his warm hands in my own. "I'm worried about you."

Bernard sighed and sheepishly scratched the back of his neck as he looked at me. "I'm sorry, Snow Angel. I guess that I just want this night to be perfect, y'know? You deserve to have the wedding of your dreams, and I want to make sure that's what you get."

I scooted closer to Bernard and rested my head on his shoulder. Bernard's arm wrapped around my shoulder and held me close. "Bernard...this is already going to be the wedding of my dreams because you're the groom. This wedding isn't going to be perfect because of the decorations or the music, it's going to be perfect because it's our wedding and I'm going to marry the love of my life. What matters to me is that we're together."

𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 (Bernard the Elf x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now