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I stared into the distance, out my window. I still hadn't quite comprehended everything that had happened. I remember a gunshot though. And blood. Lots and lots of blood. I heard a knocking and screamed. The door opened and I turned to see my mother. I was breathing quickly. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing..." I responded. I sat on the bed and she sat next to me. "How are you holding up?" She asked, intertwining her fingers and my hair. "Fine. You?" I asked. She sighed and looked at me. "I want you to be honest," she said. "Fine. I'm scared of everything now," I said truthfully, yet annoyed. "I understand," she said. "You?" I asked. "So tell me exactly what scares you?" She said, avoiding my question. "You didn't answer me," I told her. She didn't say anything, but continued to mess with my hair. "Mother?" I asked. At this point, she didn't seem to be ignoring me, She seemed to be lost in thought. "Mother?" I asked again but louder. Still, she didn't respond. I decided to let her be. I then remembered when I used to want my hair braided by Enid's mom, but she always said no because it wasn't wolf-like. "Mother? Could you braid my hair?" I asked. She blinked a few times and looked at me. "Sorry, what?" She asked. "Could you braid my hair?" I asked again. She smiled and nodded. I turned my back to her and she grabbed a brush from my nightstand. She began to softly brush my hair. After a few minutes, she set the brush next to her. "Do you want it French braided or...?" She said. "Whatever is easier," I said. She started to braid my hair and eventually wrapped a hair tie around it when she was done. "There you go," she said. I walked over to the mirror. I loved it. "Wow. Thank you!" I said. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I decided this might be the best time to ask. "Are you ok?". She sighed and looked at me sadly. Then she smiled. "Yes. I'm completely fine," I could tell she was lying. "Honestly?" I asked. She went to speak but didn't. She sighed and slowly shook her head. "How long?" She asked looking up at me with tears in her eyes. "How long will it hurt?" She finished. "Forever," I shrugged. "Anytime you close your eyes it'll replay. Anytime you think about her you'll think it your fault. The rain will cry with you, the walls will hold your secrets, and your pillows will hold your tears. It'll never stop hurting. But it hurts worse if you keep thinking about it. You don't have to move on, but it'd help," I told her. "Forever," she sighed. I nodded. "The more you love the more it hurts. That's why I try to stay secluded," I explained. "Don't stay secluded," she said. "Yes, it does hurt. But in the end it's worth it because you got to experience it. It'll make your life better," she put her hand on my cheek. "What was she like?" I asked. "It doesn't matter. Just know, she was an amazing girl. I promise," she kissed my forehead and walked towards the door. "Mother?" She turned around. "What if I don't want to fall in love?" I asked. "That's not your choice. You'll fall in love weather you like it or not. Eventually you'll accept it. Now, weather you choose to tell them or not, is your choice. But in my opinion, you should tell them before it's too late. Learn from my mistakes. Ok?" She smiled and left. What did she mean by that? I didn't understand. I decided to head to her office. I heard voices. Marylin's and my mother's. I decided to eavesdrop. Which I should've learned my lesson from last time, but oh well. God I wish I would've left. As I listened their voices became softer and quieter. "Not here. Not now. Some students are still awake," my mother said. "We'll be quite. Just a kiss?" She asked. My eyes widened. I quietly opened the door. Marylin was leaning across the desk to kiss my mother. I cleared my throat, my eyes needed bleach. The both quickly pulled away and turned towards me. "I-I should go to the- um- the what's it called- garage- garden," Marylin stuttered. She walked passed me quickly, her face bright red. I just kind of stared at my mother. "Y/N- I can- explain- kind of- I mean-" she stuttered just how Marylin did. "I'm scared. Do you have bleach? You've just traumatized your daughter!" I shouted. She sighed in relief and laughed a bit. "I'm serious! Where do you keep it?! Or give me a cross! Or salt! Salt will work!" I said quickly. She couldn't help but laugh. I saw a bible on the shelf and grabbed it. "Ok ok put it back," she said laughing. "No! I need protection! Wait- why- why do you even have this?" I asked. There were no bibles in the entire school because any outcasts would get extremely hurt. "Protection. Some witches or vampires go a bit- well..." she sighed. "Put it back," she said. She walked towards me but I held it out towards her. She started laughing. I turned the cover towards me. It was a car bible. "I'm only joking. I don't have any bibles," she said. I went to put it back but saw an actual bible. "I thought you said you didn't have any?" I asked. She looked at me and tilted her head. "I don't," she said uncertainly. I grabbed it off the shelf but it instantly burned my hands and I dropped it. I stepped back to examine the burns. My hands were bright red and partially smoking. They had that affect on every outcast. No gloves or anything could stop it. My mother slowly walked towards it. She lightly touched it but quickly withdrew her hand, even though a she as wearing gloves. She sighed and closed her eyes. She quickly grabbed it and put in the trash can next to her desk, even though it burned. "I don't have any bibles. I couldn't touch one if I wanted," she said. "Then someone put it there?" I asked. She nodded grimly. "Can it burn my eyes? That way I don't have to see that again," I referred to her and Marylin. "Go," she said, getting annoyed. "I'm sorry. I'm not the one scarring their daughter!" I argued. She glared at me. "I think I'm just gonna..." I backed up and looked for the doorknob with my hand. I smiled as I left.

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