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Idea from cassandra22020 thanks for the idea!

I walked quickly through the corridors trying not to draw to much attention. I went straight towards the nurses office. "How can I help- what happened?!" Her voice became more urgent when she saw the pocket knife in my wrist. "Some guy in Jericho. Thought I was 'trying to recruit him for a cult'. You know, as we Nevermore students usually do," I said sarcastically. "Do you want me to call your mother?" She asked. I shook my head. "I'm sorry but we're required to call parents for stuff like this," she said. I sighed and nodded slowly. "Ok," she dialed the phone while another nurse tended to my wrist. She gave me a rag to put in my mouth so I didn't bite my tongue. I closed my eyes as she pulled it out. It felt like I was going to hell. Tears streamed down my face. "Y/N- what happened?!" My mother ran into the room quickly. "Jericho guy..." I muttered. "What did he look like?" She asked. I shrugged. "Plain red hat, brown hair, pale skin, jeans, he had a scar on his left eye, and his left eye was orange," I told her. "Ok. I'll sort it out with the mayor and sheriff," she said. "Wait don't-" "We can't let anyone else get hurt," she told me. I sighed and rolled my eyes while the nurse stitched up the cut.

Larissa's POV

I went straight to the greenhouse. Marylin wasn't there which was good. I know that the poisonous plant teachers always kept the venoms somewhere. I looked around trying it find the right cabinet. Then I saw one labeled: "don't touch. Dangerous". I smiled to myself and took out a bottle of nightshade. "Larissa? What are you doing?" Marylin asked. "Oh- I I'm-. I'm looking for a black dahlia," I lied. "It's venom is supposed to hold healing properties," I smiled. "Well, I'm sorry but whoever told you that misinformed you," she said. "It's completely poison," "Oh. Never would've guessed," I smiled and left. Heading to Jericho had never been so important. I immediately found the person responsible for the knife in Y/N's hand. He was pretty noticeable. "Would you follow me?" I asked politely. Luckily he saw me as a young woman with dark brown hair. Shapeshifting, the wonders it can do. As soon as we were alone I stabbed him with a knife. "Don't ever touch my daughter again!" I told him.


I walked into the alley to see a young woman standing over the man who had stabbed me. She looked crazy almost. She had a bottle of nightshade in her pocket. She opened the bottle and fed it to him, then backed away quickly. I stood speechless and rooted to the ground. He foamed at the mouth before finally his breathing stopped. I became panicked but still couldn't move. The woman turned around and backed up when she saw me. Her eyes stared into my soul. The were a light blue. But almost familiar. She quickly ran away from the alley way leaving me there, staring at the motionless body. A few minutes later I felt a hand in my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. "Mother!" I hugged her tightly. "I-I didn't do it- I swear," I told her. "I know, but we have to go before someone sees," she said. We quickly headed back to the car. I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw. I would never imagine someone actually using nightshade. She looked at me. "Just don't think about it too much ok?" She said. I nodded and looked away from her. I could feel her blue eyes staring at me. She started the car. Then I realized something. "Mother?" I asked. She hummed in response. "How did you know I was here?" I asked. "I saw a girl running from the alley and went to check, I didn't expect to see you," she said. "And why did her eyes look the exact same as hers. Including the way you look at me," I said. "Y/N, are you accusing me of murder?!" She asked obviously offended. "Y-you're right. I'm sorry- I don't know what came over me," I told her. "It's ok. Something like that can be... traumatic," she said. I looked at her questionably. "I was the one who found Garret Gates' body," she told me. I nodded in understanding. "That was the same guy who stabbed me wrist," I told her. "I know, I made sure," she smiled to herself. "Oh ok," I said. "Wait- what?!" I looked at her quickly. I saw the anger in her eyes and she sighed. "Damn it!" She hit the steering wheel and turned to me. "I wasn't going to let him get away with it. It was to protect you and the students," she told me. She seemed as if she wasn't phased at all by what she had done. "I-I'm going to tell. the sheriff!" I lied. "Oh please, he won't believe you. In fact, you won't tell anyone," she said. "Why not?" I asked. "Oh trust me you don't want to find out," she growled. Her voice honestly scared me. I stayed quiet and stayed towards the door the rest of the ride. She kept looking at me from time to time. Each time she looked at me her expression was softer than the last. "Y/N..." she said softly. She put her hand on my knee. "Are you gonna talk to me or just ignore me?" She chuckled sadly. I didn't respond. "Please don't ignore me," she said. I didn't respond which made her sigh. "Ok. Just don't ignore me forever alright?" She looked at me. I looked ahead of us and saw a deer. "WATCH OUT!" I screamed. She turned her eyes towards the road and swerved into a ditch. I screamed and heard glass shattering before I blacked out.

Enjoy the cliffhanger😉

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