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Larissa's POV

I stood on the path, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. I turn around for one second, and she's gone. It finally sinks in that she ran away. Maybe that was the reason for everything. She wanted to get close to me so that she had a better chance of running off. Maybe- maybe Cora convinced her. It was Cora wasn't it? Cora was my only other daughter other than Y/N. She went insane after William died. She would try to turn Y/N against me and tried to kill her a few times. Eventually, she set the house on fire. She dragged me out so that I would live knowing that my youngest was dead. Or so I thought. Cora had never been right in the mind but I never thought she would actually kill her. It didn't matter. Y/N was gone. I fell to my knees and began to cry. "This can't be real. She wouldn't," I told myself. Eventually I stood up and wiped the tear from my face. "Looks like she left you as well," said a smooth voice from behind me. "Just as I did. Isn't that right... mother?" Her laughed was evil. Pure evil. "What did you tell her?!" I asked. "I just urged her to walk by your office. Of course she thought this was her own choice. She overheard you talking with someone. About how
'She will never be my daughter!'" She imitated me. I gasped. She thought I had been talking about her. I turned toward Cora. "What do you want? I'll give you anything," I told her. "You can't give me what I want!" She screamed. She wanted her father back. That much I knew. "How about we have some fun Hmm? Say a game of chase! If I get to her. I'll make you watch as I torture her. If you get to her first, I'll leave her be for the rest of the school year!" She smiled innocently. "No! I will not loose another daughter!" I told her. "Oh but you already have..." she chuckled and walked passed me. "You'll convince her I wasn't talking about her if we do this?" I asked. I knew it was a mistake but I couldn't let her get hurt again. "She'll run into your arms like a helpless little puppy," she said slyly. I paused a moment. "Deal..." I muttered. I immediately shapeshifted into a cheetah and ran the same path Y/N had gone. That was my advantage. However, Cora knew where Y/N was. That was her advantage. I ran faster than I ever had. I turned back into myself and slid to a stop. I saw footprints. I looked around. I followed them quietly and saw her across the road. "Y/N!" I called to her. She turned to me, fear in her eyes. "I'm not mad. I promise!" I told her. "Y-you killed father..." she whispered. Cora had told her. I hadn't technically killed him. But in the long run, it was ultimately my fault. "Y/N just please let me explain!" I said. I went to cross the road but a truck rushed by. When I saw Y/N again, Cora's hands were on her shoulders. My entire world shattered. I blacked out. I awoke and looked around to see Y/N in the middle of the room. She seemed scared. Her hands were tied behind her back and her mouth had cloth tied around it at that wrapped around to the back her head. She looked at me. "Y/N!" I tried to run to her but was held back by chains on my wrists. Cora walked out. She smiled, lit a cigarette and extinguished it on Y/N's arm. She let out a muffled scream. "NO! STOP!" I screamed. "You made this deal..." she laughed. Y/N looked at me with disbelief. I closed my eyes and cussed at myself. Cora kept torturing her physically and mentally. No matter how hard I tried to get free, to help her, the chains held me back. I tried shapeshifting but she used some poison to make me weaker. Cora pulled out a small pistol from her drawer. She wouldn't. Would she? She only said torture. Not kill. She laughed and looked at me. No. Next to me. That's when I realized Y/N's adoptive mother was there. She was going to shoot me and her to make Y/N experience the worst pain of all. Loss. She aimed the gun at me first. Y/N tried to stop her. She screamed at her and made muffled pleads but nothing got through to Cora. "Go ahead and kill me. You've just lost Y/N. You'll be alone again," I told her. I closed my eyes and waited for her to pull the trigger. I heard a gun shot but felt no pain. Y/N screamed. When I opened my eyes there was a bullet whole above my head. She had missed. "Well then. That's disappointing. I only have two bullets!" She cursed a lot before turning to Y/N. She aimed the gun at her head instead. She was going to kill herself. "CORA NO!" I screamed. She pulled the trigger but nothing happened. "Oops. The safety is still on," she laughed. "Don't do this! Please!" I begged. "You don't want me dead..?" She asked confused. I shook my head. "I never wanted you dead," I said honestly. "Huh. I-I didn't know that," she said to herself. "Ok then. I won't kill myself," she looked at me. She aimed the gun at Y/N instead and her smiled widened. "Now you can love me without worrying about her! It'll be just us!" She smiled. "PLEASE NO!" I cried. "You're right," she aimed it back at herself. "Stop! Don't kill anyone!" I begged her. "I can't just let you go though. Here," she tossed me the key. "I 'dropped' it," I quickly unlocked the chains and ran towards Y/N. I took the rag out of her mouth and unchained her. Blood and tears streamed down her face. "You got to her first anyways," she said. I didn't understand until Y/N hugged me tightly. She had done it to make Y/N run into my arms like I'd hoped. I didn't want it like this though. Her finger went towards the trigger. "CORA!" I stood up and tried to stop her. It was as if in slow motion. Tears streamed down her face. I tried to grab the gun but it still shot her. However it was in her stomach and not her head. I held her in my arms. "Cora..." I whispered her name. It had been so foreign up until today. "M-mother..." she whispered. She'd hadn't called me that since her father was alive. Over a decade ago. She put her hand in my cheek. "I'm sorry," she said. There was blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. "Don't waste your breath. We'll get you some help ok?" I promised. She shook her head. "I'm beyond saving," she laughed sadly. I knew she wouldn't make it. And I couldn't seem to grasp my hands around that. "No. No you'll be ok," I said. I know she had just tried to kill us. Yet, she was still my daughter. She had her father's green eyes and brown hair. She looked so much like him. She smiled and looked above us at the stars. "They're beautiful," she whispered. She'd always loved the stars since she was 3. "Remember when I was little. And you would sing me to sleep?" She asked. I smiled at the thought. It felt as if it was another lifetime ago. I nodded. "Could- could you- maybe-maybe do that for-for me...?" Her voice broke. I hummed a song she had liked when she was little. She stared at the stars. "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go to sleep," she told me. "No. No stay up," I pleaded. "Please don't die. Please," I begged. "I can't wait to see father. I wish I could've had a better relationship with you," she said sadly. "You can. Just stay awake," I smiled reassuringly. "That's ok. Can you bury me somewhere where the stars are bright. But can you have a window there? I don't like the dark. And I wanna see the stars," she smiled at me. "I'm not going to bury you. A mother should never die before her daughter," I told her. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too," I told her. She looked at the stars. "Beautiful," she said again. Her smiled faded and her body went limp. "Cora! Cora. Please wake up! This isn't funny!" I shouted. I draped myself over her body and scream cried. The same thing I had done when I'd lost William. But somehow this was worse. How I don't know. I did as she asked. I even put glass over some of the grave so she could see the stars. I took Y/N back to Nevermore and got her cleaned up. "I have a sister?" She asked, slowly coming out of shock. "Had," I corrected. She looked at her fingers. "She tried to kill me," she whispered. "No. She wanted nothing to do with you. She loved you. She hated me. Because of what happened to your father. So... she knew how to hurt me. She killed who I thought was my daughter to hurt me. And then killed herself," I explained. "Did you kill dad?" She asked. I sighed. "I-. Not right now ok? It's too much," I said. I kissed her on the forehead and left to my dorm. I opened a drawer I had kept locked for years. I took out a necklace. One Cora had made for me. I'd cried before. I'd only ever cried myself to sleep twice. Once when William died, and the other now.

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