Caring Proffesor- N.R.

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In my spam era fr, I have nothing better to do. Pls kill me :)

Finals week number 2, really draining me. Just venting here like every time.

not proof-read, I haven't slept, I can bearly read.

Y/n's pov

I never had good grades at all, but once I started Uni. I had A's in one class, and that was Miss Romanoff's class. I always had to be the best there, forbid having one point less than someone else.

These 2 weeks were extremly hard, many tests and not only from Russian.  I've been studying hard, almost to a breaking point. My roomate, Wanda was clearly worried. I just shook her off. 

I just finished 10 hours of classes, I'm so tired. I feel like crawling into a grave and dying. Once again there are tests tomorrow, so I have to wait with the grave. 

I opened the laptop and books, and started practicing. I was getting stressed, so I pulled out my vape. Wanda was okay, with me smoking inside. Once again she was just worried about my health overall. 

With all the school and studying I forgot to eat, but it's really a waste of time at this point. "Y/n, you should eat something" Wanda says, looking away from her book. I swear she can read minds.

"I already did, you didn't notice" I lied. 

After 4 hours of studying, my eyes were starting to get heavy. I take my chance and quickly lay down, and close my eyes. 

It was obviously too late, my mind wouldn't let me be at ease. I couldn't fall asleep, no matter how tired I was. I was tossing, turning, crying. Nothing helped me to fall asleep at all. I wish I could just take a handfull of pills and sleep forever. 

I gave up after 4 hours, and went back to studying. 

The sun started coming up, after few minutes. I hear Wanda's alarm, and quickly lay back down. So she wouldn't worry about me. 

She looks at me, and notes "Don't act like you're sleeping. I just saw you fully awake like an hour ago."


I get up, and walk more like drag my body to the bathroom. I look at the reflection, and see a zombie. I have no energy, whatsover. I leave make up, being make up and just put my hair into a hair tie. 

First three classes are with Miss Romanoff, great. I really, really like her. She'll think I'm a mess. There's no point, in trying to look good anyways. There's no way she even notices me, or forbid likes me.

"Bye, wands" I yell, picking up my backpack.

I put my body on autopilot, letting my body carry me to class. As I'm looking into my phone, I face plant the wall. Leaving a cut under my eye.

I quickly open the camera, and look at it. Wow, now that's something. I could audition for The Walking Dead, right now. 

As I'm admiring my cut, I see the clock. I am late, again...

I run, bursting trough the door. To see, no one.

"Hello, miss Romanoff. Uhm- Where's everyone?" I ask confused. " That's a great mystery, my mail got flooded by notes. Aparently everyone is sick." She answered my question.

 Of course they skipped, great. Now I have to sit here for three hours, in her presence.

I sit down at my usual seat, and open my laptop.

"Y/n, can I ask you why do you look like a bus ran you over. No offence, whatsoever. You look horrible" She tells me. 

"ouch" I say, that hurts. "No, really. I'm worried about you. Y/n, you are failing almost every class but this one. What's going on?" She says, walking closer to me.

Women One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora