The interrogation

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"Yeah, I suppose" he said grinding his teeth.

"Really?" Agent Roy put on a surprising smirk on her face "I'm surprised you like women. Especially with what you've done with your last 3 girlfriends." She said.

"I didn't-" the man contested.

"You mean "he" didn't?" She took a paused and took time her time to articulate her next words.

"You, you definitely did"

There was a moment of silence

"Don't know what you're talking about" he muttered
"Why are you jealous of women? I wonder. My boss is attractive, yes but she wouldn't be his type, he killed a blonde woman and 2 red heads"
The man was still silence.

"So, you watched, well, like you had a choice, and pretended to be okay when he finally started dating a woman, like what? two years ago? You saw yourself and pretended to be her. And a week ago, he made the mistake of his life, isn't that right?"


"He cheated. Twice. With women you didn't like or didn't think represented yourself."
He stayed silent yet again

"You heavily mutilated both the women he cheated with. You got jealous. However, the girlfriend was even worse." She said as she presented graphic photos of the crime scenes.

"You disfigured her, much like you would like to do for yourself if you could. In fact, you hate that you don't even have a face, let alone one he could even see or admire" she continues

"Watch your mouth, you psychopathic bitch" the man spat out. His fists we're getting tight, and he began getting red. One good thing, though, he had started talking.

The comment that was made did not affect the Agent negatively. She genuinely smiled, for the first time today.

"There's a saying, it takes one to know one. I wonder what that says about you? What's your name anyway?" She said in an amused tone.

There was a small pause again, the man looked mad for talking back and was contemplating answering again.

"Amy...." he said. For the first time, the man looked uncontrollable in his chair, tossing, and moving around.

"Ah, did you get it from before or after he met his now dead girlfriend?" She asked while looking up and down at the "woman" in front of her. Imagining a women called Amy sitting there. "Actually, you don't have to answer that"

"You know what's makes this crime scene a woman's?" She asked her.

"Did you cry when you killed the first girlfriend?" She paused and looked at the "women" who had tears appearing.

"What? She cried? Did we know that? "Morgan said as he looked back at his coworkers.                                                                                                      "No" Prentiss simply answered with a surprised face but not leaving Agent Roy out of her sight.

She took a photo in her files and placed it on the table. "Here" she pointed to the victim's shirt. "You can see here, tiny, tiny, watermarks, dried but still left a ring imprint" she took a pause "You were sad that you had to kill yourself, didn't you?" she paused again and tried to look for significant facial markers. "Because that's what Amy was for you, isn't it? A projection of yourself. A surrogate" she added.

The accused looked angry, sad, frighten but most, was quiet.

"You must have been watching when he cheated too huh? How did it feel when he kissed them?"
"Stop!" The men proclaimed. Standing up and placing both hands on the table.

The interrogator leaned in and with a soothing tone carefully placed her words.

"How does it feel... not being able to touch him yourself" she added as she placed her hand unto the man's left hand in the table. She looked directly at her, with a smirk as she gently caressed the hand of the unsub with her thumb.

"Y-YOU BITCH, IM GONNA KILL YOU!" The tall man that was already standing tried to take the Agent by her hair but was to late. Without flinching, she had backed away ahead of time expecting this sort of behaviour.

"Me? I didn't sleep with John" She stated.
"I'm going to kill you and enjoy it; you'll be ugly just like the others" the women proclaimed as she enjoyed just the thought of doing it.

"Consider me flattered" the agent said sarcastically. She stood up from the table and gently patted down her suit and looking up at the clock. 01:45 AM. She had gotten a confession in 30 minutes.

She had completely ignored the person in the room, that was staring intensely at her with rage, while she was internally satisfied with her victory. She looked back and gave a little sigh.

"Well, that wasn't so bad. Great meeting you" she said and casually walked away, passing besides the "woman" to get to the door.

However, at the same time the door was opened for her. She saw something move behind her.

"DIE!" She heard the man scream. He had taken the pencil for the signature in his hand as a knife and was aiming it towards her throat.

"Katherine!" Prentiss yelled as she was the first to enter and see the attack.

The agent ducked towards her left and avoided the attack. She put herself behind the "man" as she pushed him down the table and he fell forward. She took his right arm that had the pencil and bent it behind him. Struggling to break free and feeling the pain, a small noise could be heard from his mouth.

"You bitch, let me go!"

The Agent bent down and whispered to his ear.

"I could break your shoulder, arm, hand and fingers right now, watch your mouth and enjoy the cold table on your face" she said as she took her other hand to shove his head into the table.

She looked back at the door and saw the team staring at her. She looked at her boss, Emily Prentiss

"Really? First name basis already?"

She let go of the person she was "casually" restraining and put up both of her hands next to her head as to indicate she was no threat.

"Sorry about that, where were we? Ah yes an arrest."

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon