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Tape #17 - Revenge


The next week or so was uneventful, well, by this story's standards. Caleb and I sat down with his sisters and Jili and explained everything to them, and made them swear not to ever tell anybody else.

     Then the three of them went back to Camelot, and the king stayed on Earth for the time between here and when Jili and I rescued him. I think the reason Caleb didn't go back to Earth himself to end the king was because he didn't want me to have to go back to Earth. Of course, at the time I didn't know shit about what the king had done, because Caleb absolutely refused to talk about anything that happened during his time in the lab.

     But I knew that they caused irreparable damage to him, and with each passing day I found myself wishing that instead of snapping that woman's neck, I had taken her myself and had personally made her beg for me to end her life. Even though it wasn't her that hurt him, it didn't make it any better.

     It was the way Caleb never really joked around anymore, the way it took me about three times of calling his name for him to respond, how he silently thrashed around in his sleep. He wouldn't speak. And his eyes were so hollow, so empty. He wasn't okay. But I didn't know what to do about it.

     So I didn't do anything.

     But the moment his father returned to the kingdom, that's when I finally found out what's been plaguing Caleb's mind for the past week, and as a demon, I was proud. But as his friend, I was scared.

     One night, I was trying to fall asleep, but judging by how still Caleb was, I knew he hadn't yet fallen under.

     "You know, my father comes back to the kingdom tomorrow."


     "I think it's time I told you what he did."

     I propped myself on one elbow and faced the direction of his voice, "Okay. Tell me."

     "He killed my mother."

     My mouth opened but no words came out. What do I say to that? "How did you find out?"

     His voices catches, "When I was being tortured, the demon forced this memory onto me, and in it, I witness him sliting her throat."

     "How do you know it was true?"

     His voice takes a dangerously calm tone, "If you saw what I saw, you'd know."

     I decide not to push it, "So, what are we gonna do?"

     "I'm going to get my sisters to come back to Enchantia this weekend, and I'm going to send him a message to meet me on the beach at midnight."

     I know where this is going. "What are you gonna do to him?"

     "I'm going to get an answer out of him." Is all he says. "Hopefully Kylie is ready to be queen."

     "You know, I'll help you do it. I'm not above disposing of some bodies, especially kings." I smirk, because I want this man dead just as much as Caleb does.

     In the shadows, I see him grin for the first time since he was rescued. I know I said the right thing.

     "Well, we're in this together, aren't we?"


So that's what I did.

     I spent the next few days talking to Ivory. Since she was such an outsider, I felt comfortable with telling her everything. I've also come to realize that she was such a wise person, and in telling her my trauma, she confided with me hers.

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