Memory #2

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"Rita, I don't understand what you love so much about the surface." The king sat on the throne at twirled his trident in his hands, it still felt foreign to him, like it didn't belong ther

     "When I'm on the surface, I feel free. I feel like everything will be okay, and I can feel the love I have for my children." The Queen of The Seas straightened a few of the decorations throughout the grand room. Just because she had servants waiting to do it for her, doesn't mean she shouldn't make their job easier for them.

    "But you're not free. You have an obligation, a duty, to this kingdom. You're the queen, and I'm the king. You can't leave me to do it on my own." The king looked at her throne, which he envied. It was so much larger and commanding than his. It should be his.

     "I'm not saying that. You know I'm not. I don't see the harm in going up there and actually living from time to time."

    "There is harm. You're brainwashing yourself. You're being immersed in their customs and traditions, before long you'll justify them throwing plastic into our territory. They hunt and they kill and they overfish and leave no food for us."

     "I will never defend them for that. Why don't you think more highly of me?"

     "I respect you, Rita. I always have."

     She shook her head, "I'm the one here with all the power, remember that. You need to stay in line."

    "I think you forget that I keep up your little fake narrative. Your reputation would be ruined if it weren't for me stepping in to marry you."

    "You're right." She sighed, "You did save me. But I thought you loved Kylie and Sofi as your own. How could you say that?"

     In truth, he didn't. He only tolerated them for the sake of the kingdom. Because he was supposed to tolerate them, especially since that when they came of age, they'd have more power then him.

     His wife was truly beautiful, poems and melodies were written about her beauty, and she was betrothed to him because he was the most eligible merman in the entire kingdom. He was big, strong, with hunter eyes and a striking silver tail.

     It's why Caleb Zacariah turned out so breathtaking, because he was designed, his parents were handpicked by the Gods themselves.

    It's why he should be the one ruling the kingdom, instead of his bastard sisters.

    It was in that moment that the king knew what had to be done.

     "Fine. Let me go to the surface with you, my love. Let me see things the way you see them."

    She looked at him with a goofy-looking shocked expression, followed by a sincere smile. He tried to reflect the smile, but he felt pathetic with the unnatural expression.

     That night, they put the children to bed, and the queen sang her song. Her voice was just as extraordinary as her looks, it almost made the king rethink his plan.

    They swam up to the surface, arm in arm, together. If you saw the way they held each other, you'd sigh and wish that was you. It's what made what happened next all the more devastating.

      They transformed, and the queen taught her king the art of walking. They ran along the beach, having the time of their life. Two merpeople, out of the sea. Out of their element.

     There were tears running down his cheeks when he reached from behind her and slit her throat.

(OLD VER.) When Mermen Run From Their DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now