apparently my dance was too gay

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Tape #2 - apparently my dance was too gay

     i already KNOW this will be fun to translate
     also yes, im going to stop with the formal speech cause theres no point in it


Just keep in mind that I'm a different person then what I used to be. For maybe the first to second hour or so expect me to be a complete emotional wreck, a brat, and naive.

   I will try to get back into the mindset that I used to be in, so you have a better understanding of me a year ago. It will be even more infuriating for me then it will be for you, don't worry. But I could never fully go back to who I was, even if I tried, thankfully.

     You can judge me after my epic character development, I'll be judging you too.

     I woke up the morning of my birthday. I knew what day it was the moment I opened my eyes, but I was— well, emotionless. I didn't give a fuck. It just felt the same just like any other day. My subjects, though they cared about it just as much as me and my family did, were forced to be especially cheerful about it, it was fake as fuck, though. They literally just wanted to avoid getting thrown in the dungeons.

     But like I said, we weren't evil dictators.

     I really didn't want to get up and deal with my father's lectures of being 'grown', and I was glad my older sisters were at Camelot. Kylie (who's twenty-one) and Sofia (who's twenty). They'd been spending too much time on the surface, and it made me and everyone in the kingdom uncomfortable. Everyone remembers what happened to our mother— the queen.


     She spent so much time on the surface, nobody knew why, including myself at the time. She just loved being up there. Maybe it was the sense of freedom, the escape from the pressures she couldn't fully comprehend until she breathed in the air. But...

     At the time, I didn't really care what happened to her, and that hurts now.

     She deserved so much more.

     But that might've been what she was looking for. More.

     I didn't really bother getting ready for the day. Nobody cared how I looked, and if they did, they wouldn't dare say a thing. Part of the reason I really didn't want to deal with my father, was because I knew he'd try to betroth me to somebody. We're all sociopaths. We only reproduce because we have to, to survive as a species. But 'love' is foreign, and maybe to some degree, treason.

     Oh, how much I've fucked them over, haven't I?

     My bedroom didn't really have any personality, it was just dramatic and so rich that it was obnoxious. There was jewels decorating the walls and floors, and a huge, flat one that was being used for a mirror. I opened and got out of my clamshell—

     Sometimes I forget how different things are on land.

     Yes, I sleep in a clamshell. And what about it?

     Anyways, (nice transition, right?) I swam out of this designated corner that was my room. Since we're underwater, the floor plan of my palace would look very unique to anybody who breaths air. We don't have stairs, why would we? But floors are on different levels, and fences and walls only give the impression of being in another space. We don't even have doors, just archways. Think of it as an underwater dollhouse, except less ugly and less walls.

     I looked at myself in the mirror, already deciding I looked presentable enough. They'd probably force me to put on my crown and oysters, though. I took in my beautiful, gorgeous, radiant, extravagant royal blue tail, which has fins that are far to long that they were probably just there to make sure everyone knows that I'm special. Some selective breeding-type shit.

(OLD VER.) When Mermen Run From Their DemonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz