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Tape #1 - Prologue

Caleb Zacariah Triton

Is this thing...?



Oh my fucking God—

     Trevor, is this the only thing we have to record this on?

It says it's on, but I don't know if that means it's recording...

     It ended up being a recording, one of many in a collection of cassette tapes I found while looking through my attic. They looked as if they were hours and hours long, but for some reason I'd never seen them before... However, if there's anything I'd recognized from the tapes, it was the voice of the man speaking in them. I had briefly considered throwing them out— but hey, I've always been known for my curiosity.

At this point in time, I've only been listening for maybe ten minutes and it seems that this guy is describing some other world—and I'm not sure if he made it all up or not. Maybe he's delusional. You be the judge. But I don't think he is. He claims he's a merman, and his voice alone seems to prove it. It's enchanting, it gets trapped inside your head for days. There is no other way to say it.

I'll keep listening to the rest of the tapes when I actually have the energy to and translate the script here. There's some points where the tape messes up a bit, so I'll have to make an educated guess on what the man is saying—which is pretty bothersome if you ask me. There's also things in the tapes such as background noises, footsteps, and this painstakingly delusional man's eating noises—yeah, I know— which won't be translated on here.

But the scariest part, I'm somehow involved— I just don't know how yet.

Oh— uhm. Hi.

Fuck, I feel awkward...

I have to make this quick, as we're in a rush to get this all documented.

So, my name is Caleb Triton. But I go mainly by my middle name, because it works better with my last name.


See, Zacariah Triton sounds way better than Caleb Triton, right? Of course, my family still calls me Caleb, but that's not relevant right now— so.

We've decided to record the events of this past school year, mainly to organize our thoughts and maybe when we're done, we'll actually begin to process the fact that this all happened to us. Maybe you've heard of me— or maybe even our story if you're anywhere but Earth.

I'm not sure if anybody will ever hear this besides Trevor, Jili, Ivory, and I when we play it again when we're done and I ultimately decide to restart because I stuttered like halfway through it.

I actually don't know where to start—

Maybe I should explain the realms, first? I mean— if you happen to be from Earth, you'd quite literally not even know most of this. People on Earth aren't even sure if Heaven and Hell exist.

You know what? This will be an info dump. Personally, I would need to understand the world before hearing the story. And I'm the one mainly telling this, lucky you. We are going by my rules here.

There are five realms, or worlds. Earth, Heaven, Hell, Enchantia, and The Enchanted Forest. Most know what the first three are, so I won't even bother explaining it.

But Enchantia, simply, is a glorified Earth. Much more beautiful, and there's many different regions dedicated to different elements. Every mythical or magical creature you can think of most likely resides there.

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