daddy dearest <3

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Tape #11 - daddy dearest <3


I love parents, don't you?

     That was a rhetorical question.

     But if you answered it with 'no' then we're now besties.

    Anyway. Trevor and I were now in the ocean, and I had some sort of smugness, knowing that know he was in my domain. That down here, he can't act as if he's superior to me. I fished my crown out of my bag, now that we were safe under the sea from Hell. I glanced at Trevor's underwater form. I would assume his tail would be sky blue, like his eyes. But I guess since he wasn't born a merman, he goes by different rules. Instead his wings were gone, and they were replaced by a tail with its exact colors.

     Raven-black with orange and scarlet fins. The way the fins moved, it gave the impression it was on fire, just as magnificent and as beautiful as his wings themselves. But I looked better.

     He hadn't talked since we came down here, maybe he isn't aware that you can still talk underwater with just a different pitch. But he can figure that out on his own. He was still swimming a bit awkwardly, the way a human would swim with their legs kicking back and forth, and he's trying to adjust to the idea of moving them as one.

     Finally, we came upon the castle. I'm glad all my feelings are numbed, because otherwise I'd be scared shitless to approach my dad. I glanced at Trevor, and he just seemed indifferent about everything.

     "So, that's where you grew up?" His tone wasn't demeaning or anything, but something in it made me feel guilty over nothing.

     "Yeah. Let's go." We entered through a window that was the closest to the throne room, where I knew the king would be sitting at this time of day. He might be in a meeting with the parliament, but I'm more important.

     He was right where I thought he'd be, though luckily he was in no meeting. Kinda just sitting there, and it would've looked depressing if it weren't for the fact that an artist would be itching to paint this picture. When he saw us, his face gave the most amount of confusion that you could get in this part of the sea.

     I straightened my back, and put on a voice that you wouldn't hear me use with anybody else, "Father, I've got an urgent issue. Concerning me, and my..." I hesitated, though not enough for anybody to notice, "...friend's safety." I gave a gesture to Trevor, as if his presence wasn't enough.

     He rubbed his right temple, "It better be as urgent as you're making it out to be. You should be at the university. And right now I'm working on war plans for Earth because the pollution is getting to be too much for the colony of Atlantis."

     I rolled my eyes, he's acting like I don't already fucking know that. I glanced at Trevor, "We should probably start from the beginning." But I really wasn't excited about telling my dad that I brought a demon into our kingdom. For all I know, this could still be an elaborate trap placed by Trevor and the demons themselves. But really, I had no choice. Not after that shit on the football field. And it's not like I could just leave Trevor on the beach.

    "So, I'll just get this out of the way. This is Trevor, he's a..." God, I really didn't want to say this, "He's a demon."

     The effect was instantaneous, the king's eyes blazed as he shot up and pointed his dangerously sharp trident at Trevor's neck. But I must give Trevor credit here, he was prepared. He didn't look fazed by it one bit. "WHY THE HELL IS HE DOWN HERE?!"

    I would've freaked out, if I were on land. But I'm not, and here I'm expected to keep my composure. "Let me explain, father." He gave me a look that told me that he would remain in that position until I was through with my explanation. "Believe me, I don't like him either. But right now he's all I have, besides you if you help us."

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