I exit his office and start my search for Alana only to be stopped by Gabriel. He's a seventeen-year-old boy who's been learning how to be as good or even better than his parents but so far, he's really been fucking up. For some reason, I have faith in him. There's something about his determination that I admire.

His parents are Romeo and Bianca, one of my top soldiers. There's no way he can't at least be decent.

"Boss, my dad sent me." He pants, bent over trying to catch his breath. "Outfit men. Downstairs."

Are you fucking kidding me. "So you're the errand boy now?"

He blushes in embarrassment. I ruffle his hair with a small smile before walking off.

His sister, Jessica, is fifteen. She's less of a suck-up, gets her shit done and doesn't strive to be better. She couldn't care less about her position, she knew she was good and that's all that mattered to her.

I went downstairs and oh what a surprise, outfit men. I wasn't going to speak first. I was capo, it was bad enough that they were even able to drop in here. They should've called first. These men have no respect.

"Mr. De Santis." One of the three nodded. An average sized guy with an average build. "Pleasure to meet you."

He extended a hand for me to shake and I ignored it. "What are you doing here?"

The second guy had black hair and light eyes, a color I couldn't see from here. He was a little tall but definitely shorter than me. He was probably the tallest amongst the three with more of a lean build. He smiled and said, "our boss would like an alliance."

"Well tell your boss to come here and tell me that himself." Since when did Vice let his men form alliances for him?

Vice Vega was eighteen when he took over the outfit, he's probably old by now. He married a fifteen year old girl, Laurel Vega, despite how young she was. They still believed women were nothing more than trophy wives and thought it was an honor to have your daughter locked in young. There is no world where I'd ever form an alliance with the Outfit.

The third guy, a short but muscular man with blonde hair and dark brown eyes, replied, "we have a new boss, he rather not show his face right now."

I stare at him with a calculating look. I know Vice had a son so that's probably the man in charge. "How would this alliance work?" I ask, humouring them.

"The new boss has a daughter, Naomi Vega." The first guy says. "She beautiful."

I chuckle and turn around to face Romeo. "Get them out of here."

"You got it, boss." He grins. Him and another soldier throw them out.

I just want to know who let them into my territory in the first place. They shouldn't have been able to get that close to me.

Right, what was I doing? Oh yeah, Alana.

I walk to Maria's room because her and Lori are sharing it together and Alana normally visits Lori but she isn't there. Instead, I find Vince in the corridor.

I nod. "Hey, Angelo." He waves slightly before walking right by me. He seems eager to get to his room. I shrug and go downstairs to go to the first house. Maybe she's with Seriyah or just sleeping.

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