"No you chose to take Yuki to school over me after I asked you first."

"I offered.", she hummed, still keeping that soft voice, "You didn't want to go because he was in the car. I even said you could ride in the front seat and you were in what, elementary school?"

That's when he shut his mouth. Laying into what Audrina's been building up. A couple of more minutes passed, when he started.

"You always picked to care for all of them over me.", he shifted in place uncomfortably.

She tilted her head at that, "What do you mean."

"I mean", he stood, eyes glaring at her now, "You always took Yuki to school, Haru always talked about the times you would take him for ice cream. You helped Rin in the hospital. Momoji you practically raised after his mom forgot about him! You never did any of that for me. And then you left without a goodbye!"

She opened her mouth to say something but he continued, now pacing back and forth, "Left me, jus to return and do the exact same thing. Momoji and Rin live with you now. You went to Yuki's conference! Hell every Kisa and Hiro has their chance, but you've done nothing but treat me like the rest of them. Like the cat.", his voice strained on that last sentence and she could see him fighting back the rest.

She silently got up as well, "Kyo-."

"And don't you dare try and apologize!"

She nodded, waiting to see if he had anything else. Finding he didn't, Audrina took a deep breath, "Why do you think I'm here Kyo?"

He was caught off by her question, "Because that damn rat sent you."

"Yuki", she crossed her arms, "didn't send me, try again."

When he didn't try she was willing to wait. Stepping back she leaned against the tree again.

Audrina's comfortable in silence. She's learned how to use it and when. Just like she did with Kieran. Her mind is already swarmed with overwhelming thoughts that sulking in it does nothing to her.

But some can't handle to time to think. The moment when everything around your allows the voices inside your head to amplify. Swarm your brain like a fly until it finally becomes unbearable. No matter what way the silence was meant to be broken. If it wasn't the case, he life would be much different than what it is.

"How the hell am I suppose to know?", he blurted, taking uncomfortable stand from the quiet.

Audrina took her to speak. She did it in one go to prevent him from interrupting, "You forget that I didn't come over to the dojo for anyone else but you. I wanted to check up, see how you were doing in school and make sure you were okay. When you were first born as the cat, it may be hard to remember, but I did babysit. Sometimes, you'd stay at my house for the night. You might have forgotten what I told you the night we camped out here. But I'll say it again. I'm here because I want you to be happy. I care that you grow up into someone that not only I'll be proud of, but most importantly I want you to be proud of yourself. I told you I'd help you achieve that the best way I can.", she stopped, before taking about deep breath.

"When I left, I did it because there was no way I could be the support system not only you needed, but everyone else. I won't apologize if that's not what you want. Just understand that I am here, for you. To listen. To yell at. I honestly don't care, how you express what your feeling, but don't think I'm here for anyone else."

Kyo froze at that. His posture, tensed even more if she thought that tone possible.

Being born the cat, comes with so many consequences on the outside that, only few understand what it does to the inside. It goes beyond insecurity. It's feels as if the whole world is turned against you. That the only defense you have is to reject everyone that comes your way.

Having Audrina being one of the two people to first understand him, Kyo didn't take it easy when she was just that much supportive to everyone else. He felt betrayed.

Audrina only understood Kyo, because they were in parallels. In the story of the first Zodiacs. Everyone loves the owl. Depended on the owl. So instead of rejecting others, she had to ignore her own self desires to care for everyone else. She lost herself entirely to make room for what everyone wanted her to be.

And Kyo found that once she said that. He started thinking back to all the attempts she's tried to make m. To talk with him. From the first day of her returning, she told him she cared. But it was blocked by the wall he put up himself after years of her absence.

She never failed to neglect acknowledging him. It was his insecurities, his self-doubt that made him believe she didn't care. He waited so long, now following the conversation with Tohru, he was realizing that he did the exact same thing.

Pushed her away because he didn't feel if he deserved it. Like it was all a game.

"I'm sure she is still waiting for you.", Audrina spoke. He lifted his gaze, his eyes glossed over, "Kyo, you deserve someone like Tohru. She truly cares about you and it's clear you feel the same way."

He blinked trying his best to prevent the tears from falling.

"Can you do one thing for me?", she hummed. Kyo only blinked again, he hasn't moved since he first froze. Not know what he wanted to do. The person he looked up to the most was standing before him, and he was so gone from affection that a simple hug felt foreign to him. Seeing he wasn't going to say anything, she opened her mouth, "It may be hard, but trust me. Don't worry about your future. Don't worry about your Zodiac. Do what you want to do and go for what you wish for. I'll make sure that those other worries, won't be anything holding you back. Ok?"

She waited till he found the words. Found it in him to say something other than gape. Kazuma relayed that message through his actions. But hearing it. Hearing those exact words, something he can hold onto, to memorize, was more than anything he could of asked for.

Not to worry about the dread of being locked in the cage after Highschool. He didn't know how she'd do it. But she said she would m. Audrina wasn't lying. She was going to find a way. Not to worry about his Zodiac m. The cat. Who he became after he took off the bracelet. She said not to worry. It felt weird to have those few words, lift such a heavy weight on his chest.

The weight that dragged him to this very spot.

"I-ok", he stuttered.

Hearing that ok, Audrina smiled and nodded. She turned and started walking out of the woods. Not surprised in the slightest when following not just a couple of steps behind her, the echoed sound of footsteps crunching on wet tree branches, and soft leaves.

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