"Thanks guys," I reply," But I want to talk to Kobe myself, I don't need an entourage."

"Then why did you tell us the story if you didn't want us to help?" Asks Bryce.

"Well I wanted to make sure my story would be believed by him." They look at each other with unsure looks.

"Well....about that....."starts Blake," I'm not saying he likes Aimee, but he definitely doesn't think she would do something like that, he thinks she is an angel."

"Should I tell him about Samantha?" I ask.

"You might have to," replies Blake.

"Ok...... I will tell him the whole story."


The boys drop me off at Kobe's house and I walk to the door. I knock and wait for Kobe to answer. I was surprised to see the door actually open, but the person at the door wasn't Kobe, it was his mother, Mrs.Short. She looks at me with a shocked face.

"Paris?" She asks confused.

"Hi, Mrs.Short," I reply.

"You look different! Please come in!" I walk into the house and Mrs. Short closes the door behind me.

"Tell me, how are things? I haven't seen you since the end of 8th grade when we moved to Michigan."

"Things have been..fine. I missed you."

"I missed you too! You have grown so much! I remember when you transferred to Rio Grande in 4th grade. You grew and turned out to be a beautiful young lady."

"Thanks, Mrs. Short. Listen, I need to talk to Kobe, is he home?"

"Oh, yes. His room is just down the hall."

"Thanks," I reply. I head to his bedroom and knock on the door. He opens and looks at me with a shocked face. He definitely wasn't expecting to see me.

"We need to talk," I tell him. Kobe thinks for a bit. He looks at my pleading face and opens the door a little wider.

"Come in."

I walk into his blue bedroom and sit on a nearby chair.

"What do you want?" He asks coldly,

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for standing you up on our date," I apologize.

"You better be!" He snaps," I got reservations for a high class restraunt that cost me a fortune!"

"Really?" I ask touched.

"Yeah. Is that all?"

"No, the thing is I didn't plan on standing you up, it wasn't my fault." Kobe gives me a look that says, I'm not buying it.

"Well, I had a job in the mall and I went to the bathroom to change, because I didn't have time to go home. Well someone locked me in the bathroom, and I left my phone in the staff room, so I couldn't call you. I eventually got out through the air vent, but it was too late." Kobe's look softens a little.

"Paris, I'm sorry....."he replies.

"It's ok...."

"Who locked you in there?" I go silent.

"Paris? You aren't telling me something."

"Well, I know who it is, but you're not going to like it."

"Who is it?" He asks curious.

"Aimee.." He gives me a strange look.

"No, she would never."

I Never ForgotWhere stories live. Discover now