Ah, yes, their erotic dance. Again, this is something else that Mephiles had not felt in eons, something that doesn't really bother him if he has or not since sexual things are just a moment's pleasure before its completely meaningless to him. But still. Having Sonic under him, trying to fight against something he clearly has no idea how to deal with, it's always been fun to watch. And it's even more so to see the younger squirm under his grasp, trying to gain control over the situation but failing miserably. Especially when those sounds, those low moans are made. That is what keeps Mephiles going during their bonding time, to have his pet try his hardest to keep such sounds at bay yet Mephiles can draw them out so easily.

Yes, he's using that tail-ring to help but he's only being resourceful so there's no cheating at all. And even if it is technically cheating, he is darkness incarnate, there's hardly any good in him. He gets what he wants by any means necessary and if he wants to hear his pet moan by handicapping him, then he will.

But the thing he misses most about his pet, is his warmth. That warmth that emits from the blue body... it's so relaxing... so...

Mephiles can't even think of a proper word for what that warmth is. The first time he felt it was when he first brought Sonic here and had him pinned against one of the crystals. Sonic only grabbed his wrist but the moment he did, he felt that warmth spread through his arm, something he's never felt before. And then again when the hero was hanging from the ceiling and pressed against Mephiles' front, the deity had felt the warmth and it made him comfortable, even to the point where he could have fallen asleep. And again, when Sonic was sleeping on him before they had their first... erotic dance. He felt it coming from the younger's front to his own while reading a book.

This was something he didn't know he needed until now. To be surrounded in such warmth that he's not felt from any other creature. He could go through his entire memory bank of dealing with any other mortal and none could give him such warmth. Heck, Iblis can't even produce such warmth as Sonic can.

Which begs the question: What does that say about Sonic? Why is he able to produce such warmth? Why is he able to bring comfort to-

Mephiles lets out another soft breath and opens his eyes, looking around the cavern. "It's quiet here..."

Acorn Kingdom: 8:29 p.m.

"You can let go any time, Rouge."

"No way," fingers tug on the captive black ear harder, forcing the now snarling hedgehog to keep following. "-the moment I do, you're gonna teleport outta here."

"Tch," Shadow feels another harsh tug on his ear as they continue walking down the street, heading towards Sonic's house.

Shadow had reluctantly come to the kingdom with Rouge escorting him to talk to the blue hedgehog and made up in his mind that the moment she left, he was going to go back home. But she never left so he decided to play his second hand at playing her; pretend like he didn't know where his house was. He told Rouge he wasn't familiar with this place, so she said she'd show him the way. That was strike number two. He then just told her to give him directions and she could leave which now brings him to his current predicament, getting dragged there by his ear.

"Rouge," Shadow tries to pull her hand from his ear only for her to use her free one to slap his away before they keep walking. "-I don't want to talk to him about this. Don't you think it'll just make it worse for me?"

Rouge ignores some citizens just watching in awe as she continues leading her stubborn friend. "And if it does, then we can have another therapy session later about it."

A low growl leaves Shadow's lips as he grounds his feet, refusing to move from the spot. The only problem is by doing that Rouge nearly rips his ear off from how hard she's pulling it before she's forced to stop.

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