Chapter 55

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"YOU AND HYUNJIN MADE OUT AGAIN?!" Jieun screamed into the phone.

"Oh my gosh, it's not that big of a deal!"


I sighed. 

This is why it took so long.

"Sh, sh, sh. Calm down," I said. "Hyunjin's coming over soon, so I have to hang up."


"Bye, Jieun."

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"So, you're really not going to tell me where we're going?" I asked Hyunjin who was driving us someplace I had no clue.

I quickly took note of how attractive he looked holding the steering wheel. I was probably drooling honestly.

"Nope," he said with a mischievous grin.


Our car ride was relatively quiet the rest of the way there. Hyunjin wouldn't answer my questions, so I stopped asking them.

We pulled into a parking lot in front of a loud carnival.

"What...?" I mumbled to myself.

"Winter fest! Best event of the year," Hyunjin said excitedly. He stepped out of the car and opened my door for me.

"Wow, what a gentleman," I said with a silly curtesy.

He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I love this place. I used to go all the time when I was younger."

I didn't answer; I was too busy taking in all that I was seeing. There were lights everywhere--green, blue, yellow, red. There were also carnival games and food--so much food! Cotton candy, corndogs and a bunch of random fried things. There was even a Ferris Wheel and a few rides!

"Wow, this place looks awesome!"

I ran over to a carnival game which had a cute pig stuffy on display as one of the prizes.

"Hello, young lady. You lookin' at that pig o'er there?" the man at the stand asked.

"Yes, it's adorable!"

Hyunjin finally caught up to me and gave a friendly smile to the man.

"How 'bout you ask your boyfriend to win you one? 5000 won to try and shoot all the targets, and the pig is yours!"

"Oh, he's not my--"

"Deal," Hyunjin said, already fishing for some cash out of his wallet.


Hyunjin handed the man his money and began shooting away at the targets after the buzzer sounded. He was only given a minute to hit all of them, which honestly seemed a little difficult to do so I didn't expect him to win. I heard the clock tick down the 10 second mark and watched in anticipation as Hyunjin aimed for the last shot.

He hit it obviously, since he's magically good at most things, and the man handed him the piggy stuffy.

"Impressive, young boy," the man said with a smile.

I pressed my lips together.

"I want to try too!"

Hyunjin gave me a puzzled look.

"But you already got the stuffy."

"Well, I need to prove that I'm better than you," I said with a grin.

Outsmarted [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now