Chapter 18

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I looked up at Minho and he smiled down at me. His smile was playful and cute; it's always been a weakness of mine. It's beyond me how a man could be so charming and irresistible and on top of that have perfect looks. He's fun to hang out with and really good-looking... god what more could a girl ask for?

Suddenly, he grabs me and pulls me into his arms. I was a bit shocked by the sudden interaction, but I let it happen. I hugged him back and smiled. I was comfortable in his arms; I've dreamed of being here so many times, who knew how easily attainable it could've been only a few years later.

"Hey Mimi?" he says and looks down into my eyes.


"I like you."

You what?! What is happening???

My face takes on a shocked expression unintentionally. I couldn't help it, I didn't expect him to say this. 

I thought for a moment about how to respond to him. I haven't looked at him like that since I started hanging out with him... but I mean... could I like him back?

I studied his awaiting expression. His beautiful face pained by the fear of being rejected. 

I thought one last time about how to answer him, and I decided to just say it.

"... I like you too."

My answer wasn't 100% honest, but it wasn't a lie either. He's really attractive and fun to hang out with, so why not date him? 

I started to think more about the way I felt towards Minho. I loved the way I felt pretty comfortable with him even though we only started hanging out recently. He brought up my mood when I was fighting with Hyunjin and actually somehow ended up making me completely forget about the situation.

I refocused my attention onto him, leaving my thoughts behind. He smiled and squeezed me tighter. He starting leaning down, his lips slightly parted. 

Is this really happening?

I started to feel butterflies in my stomach as his face slowly got closer to mine. His eyes didn't look away from my lips until he got so close to me I could feel his breath. He looked into my eyes and I almost died. His gaze pierced into my soul and sent a spark of electricity down my back. 

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" he asked.

Even though the butterflies in my stomach were overwhelming, my body still knew exactly what to do. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. We started moving in sync and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His touch sent shivers down my spine and I loved the feeling. I pulled back to catch my breath and I looked away from his lips, up into his eyes. 

"I would kiss you back," I said and laughed, responding pretty late to his previous question.

I leaned in again and suddenly he disappeared. 

What? What just happened?

I looked around to see where he went, but he was gone. He literally just disappeared.

"Minho?" I called out. 

Where did he go?

Light started shining down in specs around me. I looked up to see where the light source was coming from. The sky had pieces of itself missing, where bright white light shined through. 

What's happening?

More pieces of the sky starting to be engulfed by white, until the sky was completely gone, the white haven completely taken over. I shut my eyes hard for a moment and rubbed them.

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