Chapter 46

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"Bye, Hyunjin! I'll see you soon!" I said waving at him from my front porch, Snowball in my other hand. He headed over to help me bring home all of my gifts, and now he was on his way back home.

Hyunjin turned around and simply waved back, which was hard to see in the darkness, him only being illuminated by the dim, junky street light.

I closed the door and felt a little sad that our fantastic day was over. However, unlike before, I now have a cute little kitten to keep me company in my no longer lonely home.

"There you go," I mumbled, crouching down to place Snowball on the floor. I pet his head and walked over to the kitchen to look at my calendar. The big party was coming up soon, only in a few days. I still was a little nervous since this was my first actual high school party I would be going to. I never was terribly interested in this kind of stuff, so when people would invite me at my old school I would reject their offer, or make up a lame excuse as to why I couldn't come. Unfortunately, this time Jieun is forcing me to go, but I suppose getting out of my comfort zone in this case wouldn't harm me.

"Snowball, please give me the courage to go to this party," I said and picked him up. He looked up at me confused--obviously not understanding a word I said, but I appreciated the fact that he was at least listening.

"There's going to be alcohol, and drugs, and people, and... Minho."

Thinking about him still hurt. I felt my heart ache a little and beat faster to accommodate all the intense feelings just thinking about him still brought up, but I tried to brush off the feeling.

"In case you didn't know, Minho is a loser who decided to cheat on me," I explained to the small furball in my arms. "I'm going to go to this party looking very hot, so that hopefully he regrets losing me."

I looked back down and saw Snowball fast asleep, purring softly into my arm. I fought the urge to scream "AWEEE!" because I knew it would wake him up. Instead, I softly pet his head.

Thanks for trying to listen, little guy, I thought and laughed to myself.

- - -


"OH MY GOD! IT'S FINALLY TODAY!" I screamed excitedly into the phone.

"I'M HEADING OVER RIGHT NOW!" Jieun responded with an equal level of excitement.

She hung up the phone, and I placed it onto my bed before screaming into my pillow.


If you didn't know, I had been preparing for this day for the last few days. I've been trying to eat healthier and exercise so I didn't look bloated in my dress. I've been doing my skincare routine consistently for once in my life, and I've been drinking tons of water so that I'll be glowing. I wanted to make Minho cry, so maximum hotness was a necessity.

Within a few minutes my doorbell rung, since Jieun didn't live too far away. I ran over and opened it quickly.



We screamed and hugged each other.

"Okay, okay, I set up an extra mirror in my room so that we can do our makeup together," I said.

"Cool!" she said, already starting to head up the stairs, not even knowing where my room was. "Hurry up! I need all the time I can to get ready!"


It takes me around 3 hours to get ready for events like this, and the party starts in... 3 hours. Between hair, makeup, choosing an outfit, and shaving... maximum sexiness takes a long time.

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