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eo • nian
constant and indefinite; continuing forever.

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A DEAD TULKUN was floating in the clear blue water, her spirit taken to Eywa everything she loved was gone. Her body, her baby was dead , all for some money hungry sky people. It left an ache in the ocean, everything was wrong.

Elyä woke up sweating her heart pounding, the image of that poor animal floating alone demon ships rushing away.

She silently left the pod, it haunting her every time Lyä closed her eyes, the image raced through her mind.

She ran into the forest the one comfort of her and Neteyam's place was the only place Elyä could really be herself, the sound of water dripping into the cave it calmed the ache in her bones.

Footsteps filled Elyä's ears in walked Neteyam in all his glory, "Nete, why did you follow me?" Her strong voice asked wiping the tears away.

"You know are mats are next to each other right?" He chuckled noticing the tears slowly filling her irises, "hey whats wrong Lyä?" Neteyam asked walking closer to the girl his accent filling her ears.

"Nothing I promise just very emotional right now," the lie slipping out of her mouth easily.

"I've known you since we were kids you know you can't lie to me," he told her wiping the tears off her cheeks their breathes mingling in the darkness before she stood up needing space.

"I had a nightmare, it was a dead tulkun and her baby," Elyä mumbled trying to keep her composure in the starlit night.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Elyä but those dreams aren't real," he muttered going to hug her, "no! It is real Eywa is warning me of something I know it!" She yelled pushing him away from her.

"I know it, I know it," Lyä continued whispering the same sentence going crazy, no one really saw what she saw.

"The sky demons did it," she spat glancing at the boy who looked at her with concern.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, everything is okay, let's get you back to bed," he told her taking her hand in his in Elyä's, her hazily nightmare filled mind etched with sorrow.

Jake sat awoken by the sound his son and his best friend talking outside the mauri pod their voices low as to not disrupt the peace.

He slowly untangled from Neytiri wanting to get closer to hear what his kids were talking about, "Neteyam I can't just walk up to the Olo'eyktan and tell him I dreamed of a dead tulkun!" Elyä whispered glancing at the boy shaking in the cold sea air.

"You have too it could be important," a plea in his voice even though he knew it was only a dream or was it ever just a dream?

"I will not," she grumbled walking back into the pod silently not knowing Jake was wide awake.

"Elyä-" Neteyam whispered in the dark following her Jake watching the interaction not knowing what's happening but was intrigued.

SAUDADE, neteyam ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora