It was strange, to say the least.

"Wanna come over to mine?" Niki asked. "Konon should be home, and she's wanted to see you for so long."

Hana nod her head after remembering Niki's sweet older sister.

They made their way home, stopping at Hana's so she could put away her suitcase, before going to Niki's.

Immedietly, they were met with Konon.

"Niki?? I'm so glad you're back. Listen, something happened-" the girl stopped when she saw Hana.

"Oh Hana, how nice to see you" she uncomfortably said

The two immediately picked up on the atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" Niki asked first.

Konon beckoned the two over to the sofa.
"You might wanna take a seat."


She was running so fast, it was unbelievable. Konons words were replaying in her mind over and over again. it out alive...

Niki yelled from somehwere behind her. "I'VE GOT A TAXI, COME HERE!"

Hana turned around immedietly and jumped into the car.

They made their way to the hospital in no time and found their way to the reception.

"We're here for Akira Shota." Niki spoke quickly.

"May I ask who you are? Akira Shota is in a critical condition so only famil-"

"We're his children. Please hurry." Hana cut in

The receptionist allowed the teenagers to go through, the kids wasted no time in sprinting to the room.


Room 23

Hana went in first, seeing that Mr Shota was half conscious.

A beeping machine that monitored his heart rate, hospital food that had been left untouched, an old lonely man laying down in a bed.

No get well soon flowers. No cards wishing him well. No one by his side to comfort him.

That is what Hana and Niki saw.

Mr Shota's eyes fluttered open. "Kids, you're back" he weakly whispered.

"Do you understand my words now?" He asked Niki, to which the boy nod his head.

"Hana and I both understand. We're together now." He said.

Mr Shota smiled and nod his head. "Good."

Hana observed the old man's state. Pale wringly skin, dramatic weight loss, a bluish tint on his body.

The week prior, Mr Shota had been a healthy man.

If you told Hana that this would be his fate a week later, Hana would have laughed in your face and punched you for joking about such bad things.

But it was true.

"My children, come close. I'd like to tell you something before I go."

Hana and Niki held back tears and tried to be strong for the old man's sake.

"Closer" he beckoned.



Once he was satisfied, the old man spoke.

"The secret recipe for my steamed buns is-"

The children cut him off with broken sobs and laughs.

"Mr Shota, this isn't the time for jokes." Niki whined, wiping his falling tears.

"Death is a normal part of life, you will learn to live with it. For now, I am happy that my final wishes were fulfilled. I was able to see my children and I am happy to know that they love eachother. I can go peacefully now."

Hana hugged the old man. "Don't say that, you get better and live a long life."

Mr Shota chuckled and pat the girls back as he outreached his other arm and beckoned Niki to hug him from the other side.

"I've lived long enough Hana dear. It is now my time to meet my beloved wife after so long."

Niki and Hana silently sobbed into the old man's side.

"I love you both so much." He said as the life from his eyes faded.

Hana was the first to speak. "I-is he?"

The heart monitor cutting flat confirmed her suspicions.

The kids sobbed violently into the old man's side until nurses rushed in to take them away.

Hana and Mr Shota had been two lonely souls, two people that had no one else. They had stuck by eachothers sides fro years, being eachothers support beams for so long

No only one of them remained.

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