"You're talking to me." Beca said with a shrug.

"I also talk to people I think are pretty." Chloe said with a wink.

"Is she flirting?" Beca thought.

"If you want to keep talking you can walk me back to my dorm." Chloe said before grabbing Beca's hand. The gesture caught her off guard, and she pulled away slightly at first.

"She totally is." Beca realized.

"This party kind of blows. Why not?" Beca said. She thought Chloe was pretty cute herself, so why not take a chance. College was the time for a fresh start, anyways.

Chloe smiled and began to pull Beca through the crowd. They finally found their way out, and Chloe guided them to her dorm.

"Here we are!" She said at the door.

"It was nice to meet you, Chloe. Maybe I'll see you around." Beca said shyly.

"You're not coming in?" Chloe asked slightly shocked. She thought it was pretty obvious she dragged Beca here for more than just the walk home.

"Oh, uh... sure." Beca said reluctantly. She decided simply walking a girl home wasn't really taking a chance.

They walked in and Chloe immediately flopped on the bed. She patted the spot next to her for Beca to join. Pretty much the second Beca laid down, Chloe was leaning in for a kiss.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Beca asked scooting away.

"You don't want to hook up with me?" Chloe asked.

"I just met you." Beca said quietly.

"Right." Chloe said.

"Is that why you brought me here?" Beca asked.

"I assumed that's why you came, so yeah I guess." Chloe said slightly embarrassed.

"I mean you seem like a nice person, and you're very pretty. I just don't usually do the whole one-night-stand kind of thing."

Chloe was silent.

"If that's what you wanted I can go. I didn't mean to lead you on or–"

"No. Stay." Chloe said. This was honestly one of the first times she hadn't felt objectified by someone she brought home. It was refreshing.

"Ok." Beca said confused. She thought Chloe was really nuts, but there was no getting out of it now. Chloe quickly fell asleep cuddled up next to Beca. The younger girl laid stiff on the bed staring at the ceiling. It took her much longer to fall asleep, probably because she was in a strangers bed.

The next morning, Beca hurried out pretty early. She assumed Chloe's hangover would keep her asleep for quite some more time. Just as she was leaving, she realized it would be pretty shitty to up and leave with no goodbye. She decided to leave a note with her number on the nightstand, along with a glass of water and Advil. It wasn't as bold as waking her up to say bye, but it was something.

Throughout the day, Beca was surprised at how much she was checking her phone. She wanted a text from Chloe to come through, but she knew it was dumb. They had barely even talked last night, so she tried not to be so hung up on it.

Finally, around 10pm, Beca's phone buzzed.

Unknown number: This is Chloe. Meet me at my dorm in 10? :)

Beca was taken aback by the text, but she had nothing else to do. Plus, she didn't want to disregard how much she wished for a text earlier.

Beca: I'll be there

Just as they planned, Beca arrived no later than 10 minutes after the text. She knocked on the door still unsure of where this whole thing was going.

"Hi." Chloe said with a smile.

"So..." Beca said fidgeting with her hands.

"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have made you stay the night... That was weird." Chloe said blushing. Beca didn't even know she was capable of becoming embarrassed.

"No it's ok. Really."

"As much as I'm glad you're not completely scared off from last night, I still think we should get to know each other. What landed you here at Barden?" Chloe asked. She sat down on the bed and motioned for Beca to do the same.

"I guess it's just close to home. I don't really have a reason. How about you?" The brunette asked.

"My parents practically forced me here, but I came to really like it. The people here are actually pretty cool."

"So, uh, you know a lot of people? I mean, at Barden."

"Sure, you could say that." Chloe said looking down. She instantly was reminded of her one-night-stand reputation.

"What do you mean?" Beca asked after sensing something was off about her response.

"Oh nothing. I just tend to make a lot of... quick relationships for lack of a better term."

"Not good at keeping friends?" Beca asked.

"That was harsh. Shit." Beca thought after letting that comment out. She didn't mean it to sound the way it did.

"More like I tend to get around. It's hard to make lasting relationships with people when the foundation is built on a drunken hookup." Chloe said after a little giggle at Beca's comment.

Beca nodded, unsure of what to say next. After what felt like a little too long of silence, Beca finally spoke up.

"I think people would be lucky to get to know you. You know, more than one night." Beca said.

Chloe turned to the younger girl with a soft smile. Nobody at Barden had ever shown real interest in her, except for maybe Aubrey. Before either knew what was happening, Beca leaned in for a kiss. She lifted Chloe's cheek and met her soft lips with the redhead's. They kissed for about a minute before Chloe pulled away.

"I'm so sorry. That was the last thing I should have done after you said that." Beca said embarrassed.

"Don't be sorry." Chloe said definitively.

"I get it if you want me to go." Beca said quietly.

"Nobody's ever kissed me like that before. You kissed me like we'll never have sex." Chloe said. Her ocean blue eyes pierced Beca.

The brunette's face scrunched at Chloe's strange comment. She wasn't sure if that was a bad or good thing, and she really hoped nothing was messed up now.

"It's a good thing, Beca." Chloe said as if she was reading Beca's thoughts. "When we kissed, it felt like you really wanted me. Not just my face or my body."

"You really don't give yourself enough credit, Beale. I've made one friend since I moved in a couple months ago, but somehow I feel comfortable around you after a single night. That never really happens to me." Beca said letting her voice trail off toward the end.

"Let's try something new." Chloe said.

"Huh?" Beca said confused. She had come to realize during this conversation that Chloe didn't always make the best sense.

"You start letting people in, aka me. I'll start slowing things down. With you, I mean, if you want to and all." Chloe said blushing again.

Beca leaned in to give Chloe another kiss. This time it was quick, despite Chloe's effort to keep it going.

"Nuh uh. Slow. I should get going." Beca said with a smile. She could tell by Chloe's face that this was torture.

"I hate you!" Chloe said jokingly.

"Text me." Beca said before shutting the door behind her.

Bechloe/Sendrick One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now