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You and the vampire stared at each other as she would soon turn her back to you and glance back at you and had ask for her name.

???: *twirl her scythe for a bit* Why should I tell you my name?

She would look back forward and kneel down again, scoping the remaining bits of blood and stood back up.

???: *looks back at you* May we never meet again but if we do...I may tell you my name.

She would soon walk away from you.

Later on
You would be near a lake to do whatever but stopped at seeing the same vampire from earlier.

Lalle: *sweatdrops towards you as you did the same* Well...this is awkward. *would lower hat over her face, feeling embrassed at what she had said* Lalle.

She would quickly soon leave the area after saying that while you stood there before shaking your head.

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