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Hilda, Saki, and Hanabi would finish slaughtering four bears.

Hanabi: *would smirk while holding her bear up that was the biggest* I got the fattest one.

Hilda would nod to her and would grab her bear.

Hanabi: *would start walking* So who's cooking tonight?

Hilda: *would smirk lightly while walking beside the smaller female* Certainly, not Saki.

Both female would stop at not hearing a remark and look to see the swordwomen would be standing while have one bear on her shoulder and holding another by the leg.

Saki: *would glance over at the right* You two head back. I'll catch up later.

Before either female could say anything, the swordwomen would head off right.

Hanabi: *had a interest look at seeing this* You following?

She would glance to see Hilda dropping her bear.

Hanabi: *smirks* Guess you are. *would huff lightly* I'll tell the kunoichi that you two will be out.

Hilda would nod to her then head off, following the swordwomen as Hanabi would stare at the other bear.

Hanabi: *would grab it's leg and start back walking* Can't let a meal go to waste.

After nearly an hour, Saki would arrive a hidden location and would be standing in front of large cave.

Saki: *would drop her bear on the ground and smirk lightly* Hey! I bought a bear so come out and say something, Yamato!

The swordwomen would take a few steps back as a female similar to her height would walk out of the cave

The swordwomen would take a few steps back as a female similar to her height would walk out of the cave

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Yamato: *would stare at the swordwomen* Greeting Saki.

Saki: *would * Sup.

Yamato would kneel down and grab the bear and put it on her shoulder.

Yamato: *would nod to her* I appreciate the meal. Thanks.

The swordwomen would nod back to her with a smirk.

???: *would be standing beside the swordwomen* So this who you meet when you went into that portal.

Both females would glance over to see Hilda who would wave at them.

Saki: *frowns slightly* Why are you here?

Hilda: *fixed her hat and stared at the taller female* Curiosity.

The swordwomen would let out an annoyed sigh at this before soon introducing her sister to Yamato.

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