15_Zuko, Lee and the Blue Spirit. What do they have in common?

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The sun had barely risen and Zuko was trying to wake Lee.

"Wake up Lee. We have to keep moving."

Lee sat up and rubbed sleep from his eyes before looking up at his brother, who was now back in his Blue Spirit mask.

"Why do we need to leave so early?"

Lee asked before getting up.

"Because the Avatar has a flying bison and we're only a day away from Azula that's why. Now come on, breakfast."

After a quick meal of whatever Zuko was able to find in the woods he picked Lee up and said:

"I'm going to carry you until noon so that we cover more ground. After that you can walk on your own okay?"


Lee put his head on Blue's shoulder and they set off. That night they again camped in a forest.

"We should catch up to the Avatar soon."

Zuko said looking at Lee.

"And I think I should explain some things to you before we do."

"Does it have to do with your real name?"


Lee looked startled.

"What do Prince Zuko, your brother Lee and the Blue Spirit all have in common?"


Lee asked.

"I know what the Blue Spirit and Lee have in common but what does Zuko have to do with it?"

"Should I tell you?"

Lee nodded and Blue sighed before looking Lee dead in the eye.

"They're all the same person."


"No way!"

Lee breathed.

"You're Zuko?"

Zuko nodded, not looking at Lee anymore.

"Can I still call you Blue?"

Zuko looked at Lee confused.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be?"

"I lied to you!"

"You had to. It was necessary. I just have one question."

"Go ahead."

"Do Mom and Dad know?"

Zuko was surprised. That was not the question he was expecting.

"Yes, they know. They guessed before they adopted me."

Lee was satisfied.

"What do I call you now?"

Zuko thought for a moment before answering.

"When is just us you can call me Zuko or Blue, in public I'm Lee as that's my official identity, and if we're with people who know one of my secret identities you should call me by that name."

"And with the Avatar?"

"When we join, call me Blue. They'll figure it out soon enough but don't call me Zuko unless I'm dying and you're begging for help."

Lee looked alarmed.

"Please don't die!"

Zuko chuckled.

"It was a joke."

"Not funny."

Zuko was serious now.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Don't worry, the Avatar hasn't gotten rid of me yet, I survived Azula and my Father so I don't think I'll be dropping dead anytime soon. Not before you're safe anyway."

Lee and Zuko settled in for the night hoping to see sign of the Avatar soon.


Azula, Mai and Ty Lee were walking. Their machine was to far behind and since the Blue Spirit had loosed the lizard horses their only means of travel was on foot.

"Didn't something seem odd about the Blue Spirit?"

Azula asked.

"What do you mean?"

Ty Lee asked as she walked on her hands to give her feet a rest.

"The Blue Spirit is a Firebender but the Earthbending boy called him his brother."

"Maybe they're half-siblings!"

"Possible, but unlikely. There haven't been any Fire Nation soldiers in this area for a very long time."

Mai turned her usual bored expression towards Azula.

"It doesn't matter who he is as long as we catch him soon. It's so dusty here."

"Well, we are on a dirt road!"

Ty Lee chirped. Mai rolled her eyes.


Azula smirked.

"Watch out Blue Spirit, whoever you are, I'm going to catch you."

A/n: I don't own atla. Sorry for the long wait. (was anyone even waiting?) What do you think of Lee finally knowing his brothers real name? Vote and Comment! I love interacting with you guys.

Opaz out!

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