7_The Blue Spirit's Tale

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Gansu started:

"The Blue Spirit first started coming about a month ago bringing fruit and rice to all the nearby towns every week. It was soon clear that the food was stolen from the Fire Nation but since there was no trouble we didn't bother worrying. We still don't worry. The Blue Spirit is our protecter and provider. We appreciate him more then we could express in words."

Zuko knew this was Gansu's way of thanking him and gave him a slight smile.

"Does anyone know who the Blue Spirit is?"

Aang suddenly cut in.

"Because if it's still the same person there is no way he's doing it out of kindness of heart."

Everyone looked at Aang.

"You know the Blue Spirit? Who is it?"

Sokka looked desperate for an answer but to Zuko's relief Aand didn't blow his cover. Yet.

"Answer my Question."

Aang almost looked angry now so Sela answered.

"No one knows for sure the identity of the Blue Spirit and for our safety and his own we don't try either."

Little Lee piped up.

"There are some rumours though of him being from one of the towns he helps."

Zuko mentally thanked little Lee for almost unknowingly pushing the truth further away.

"Why do you care so much anyway Aang?"

Katara was getting annoyed with Aangs childish behaviour. Aang opened his mouth, shut again and gave up, much to Zuko's relief. However his relief was short lived when he saw the looks on Toph's and his 'parents' faces. He was lucky though, they wouldn't say anything as long as the others were around.

"How and when did the Blue Spirit show up in this town specificly?"

Sokka was back to asking about the masked man that the villagers seemed to adore so. Sela answered:

"There were some Earth Kingdom Soldiers that acted no better than bandits and stole our food. One day, the Blue Spirit showed up, defeated them and left. But since then he's been bringing food to us."

Sokka and Katara seemed satisfied, Toph was still smirking at Zuko, Aang was sulking and little Lee was absolutly beaming at Zuko while his parents just smiled. The meal finished silently and the Gaang was trying to decide wether or not to stay for a day or so. Secretly, Zuko hoped that they wouls stay, even though every second put his identity in danger. He didn't want Katara to leave yet. Instantly he admonished himself. Katara was off-limits. But still..... That comment she made....
Before he could step up, Sela did.

"Please stay. You'd be of no bother and it's refreashing to have another girl aroud."

Team Avatar agreed. Trying not to smile at the thought of Katara staying Zuko turned to his "Mother" knowing full well that she was playing Match-maker. As little Lee pranced off, showing the Gaang around, Sela and Gansu turned to Zuko and said:

"Son, we know who you are."

A/n: I do not own Atla. Anyway, what do you think? Yes I know I promised the reaction of Sela and Gansu as well as Toph but I had to add this first. Next chapter will be the parents finding out and the one after that will be Toph giving Sparky a talking-to. I promise:) Please Vote and Comment!!! Byeee!!

I Am The Blue SpiritTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon