11_Prepare for conflict

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When the Avatar's bison was out of sight Zuko turned to his parents in urgency.

"Azula wil be here soon. Mabye even tomorrow."

Sela and Gansu paled but Lee just asked:

"Who's Azula?"

Zuko looked at his brother sadly. He hated lying to him.

"Azula is the Princess of the Fire Nation remember? She's a very good bender."

Lee didn't look too worried.

"But you're the best."

Zuko shook his head.

"We have to prepare the village for her arrival.


Azula was fed up. And when Azula was in a mood NOBODY had better mess with her. She was tired of chasing that stupid kid and his friends and tired of looking for 'dear brother Zuzu'. By the time she, Mai and Ty Lee had found the Avatar's trail again any trace of Zuko had long since dissapeared. It was like he had vanished completly from the world. Azula smirked to herself.

'Mabye dear Zuzu finally realized how pathetic he is and did us all a fovour by dying.'

Azula giggles at the thought before frowning.

'Pity, if he's dead I can't see his face when he finds out I captured the Avatar.'

Azula was torn from her musings by the ever hyper-activ arrival of Ty Lee.

"Azula! There's a village not far from here and it's one of the ones visited by the Blue Spirit!"

Azula furrowed her brows. A while after Zuko dissapeared off the map the Blue Spirit had resurfaced. Azula remembered the report of Zhao's capture and loss of the Avatar by the hands of the Blue Spirit. He was second on her list of wanted people after Zuko vanished. The chances of killing two birds with one stone were to great to pass up.

"We leave at dawn"


Zuko sat on a roof. The plan was that he'd hide until the time came to fight. In his Blue Spirit garb he held hope that Azula wouldn't recognize him but that hope was slim. Sela and Gansu had made it clear that if anything got out of had he was to: grab the little ones and go. There was a shelter for the children already set up and some of the elders wouzld care for them. Zuko wasn't sure how he was going to get 10 children out of the town without Azula preventing his escape but it was a thought of comfort for the parents. Noise from the road made Zuko straighten and he peered over the edge. Sure enough, there was Azula. Zuko looked closer. Great, she brought Mai and Ty Lee. As he watched them tie up their Lizard-horses he decided that his first gaol would be to realese them so that Azula would be lowed down if it came to pursuit. Silently he made his desent.


When Azula entered the town she was, unlike normal where everyone turned to her in fear, greeted with silence. The entire population was gathered in the center. All of them with some kind of weapon. Azula realized, they were expecting her.

A/n: I don't own Atla. So it's been a while. Please vote and comment. Bye:)

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