4_Market Day 2

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About ten minutes after Zuko explained his charcter a flying Bison landed in the sqare and four people climbed off.

'Four?' Before Zuko could ponder further his temporary mother and and step-father stepped forwards to greet the Avatar.

"Welcome Avatar, we have heard much about you and your friends from the Water Tribe but we were not expecting a fourth person. Nevertheless, we are glad to recive you."

Aang smiled.

"I'm Aang. My Water Tribe friends are Master Waterbender Katara and her nonbending older brother Sokka and this is my Earthbending teacher Toph."

Sokks humpfed at the part about himself.

Zuko looked at Toph. She was short, dirty and... blind?

"Like Twinkletoes said, I'm Toph. The greatestEarthbender around and I'm blind."

Toph sensed confusion and added:

"I see with Earthbending."


Lee ran forward.

"Can you show me? My brother Lee, we have the same name, always shows me how to use swords."

Great, now the attention was on him so Zuko really hoped his cover worked.

"You use swords?"

Sokka stepped forward and looked at Lee's older brother whose face was hidden by a large hat. When he didn't respond the woman who welcomed them earlier said:

"My son is very shy and ashamed of the way he looks."

Katara stepped forwards to 'Lee' and kindly said:

"You have nothing to be ashamed of I'm sure."

Lee finally met her eyes and she was shocked to see that his eyes were Fire Nation gold and that he had a scar that looked a lot like Zuko's. Lee gave a dry and humorless laugh.

"I'm half Fire Nation. My mother was taken by a Firebender a long time ago and I was the result. When my Father discovered that, despite having gold eyes I wasn't a Firebender he scarred me and sent us both away where my mother eventually married and had Lee."

Katara frowned.

"You don't need to be ashamed of who you are. I just stared because you look so much like him..."

Katara trailed off, shook herself and asked:

"Soooo....you're not a firebender?"


Zukp knew it was high time to change the subject so he offered Katara some fruit.


Katara's eyes lit up.

"Yes please, it's been weeks since we've had freash fruit."

"How come you guys have fruit anyway?"

Sokka found this a little suspicious but the answer that little Lee provided was most astounding for Aang.

"The Blue Spirit brings us fruit and rice every week and he does that for other towns as well.2

Little Lee clearly admired the masked man.

"The Blue Spirit? That's impossible!"

Aang looked shocked and confused at this new discovery.

"The Blue Spirit only helps people for his own gain."

The villagers got angry at this.

"How can you say that. He frees you once?"

Lee's mother suggested, much to Zuko's dismay:

"Why don't you come stay with us for a while. I'm sure my sons would like to spend time with you and we could tell you about our hero. My name is Sela."

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