8_We know who you are

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A/n: Yes I know I don't really do this at the beginning but I want to tell you guys in advance. This is such a cute and fluffy chapter between Zuko, Sela and Gansu. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Oh yeah, I don't own Atla.

'Oh s**t!

that was Zuko's first thought before trying to act innocent.

"Yeah, I'm the Blue Spirit. You knew that already."

Zuko tried but knew that he couldn't lie to save his life in this moment.

"You're Fire Nation"

Sela stated calmly looking at Zuko who was glancing at the door debating to make a run for it.

"You knew that. I told you. And you've seen me Firebending."

Gansu rolled his eyes and stopped beating 'round in the bush.

"You're not Lee, a ordinary Fire Nation citizen who became the Blue Spirit and is wanted by Azula for all the trouble you've caused."

Sela continued.

"You're Zuko, banished Prince, you've hunted the Avatar, you're a traitor to the Fire Nation (for whatever reason), your alter ego is the Blue Spirit, you have a crush on Katara and you're our son."

Zuko quickly ran through everything she said knowing he was found out.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, umm................"

Zuko blushed before saying quickly:

"No and.... hang on, what?"

"We've decided to adopt you."

Sela calmly said while Gansu nodded. Zuko looked baffled.

"But I'm the Fire Nation Prince!"

Gansu handed Zuko his adoption certificate.

"But you're also the Blue Spirit. And besides, this way, if you ever get into trouble now you won't be recognized and can freely move around the Earth Kingdom."

Zuko was trying not to cry.

"Thanks Mom and Dad but Azula really is after me, as Zuko that is, and she's also after the Avatar since Father decided she could do better than me."

Sela looked midly surprised.

"Oh right, I forgot that Azula is your sister."

Zuko looked misreble.

"Yeah. I wish I could forget that too."

Gansu smiled at his gloomy, teenage son.

"Well, you have Lee as a brother now."

This news made Zuko brighten up considerably before carefully asking his parents:

"Can we please not tell Lee who I am. He can know that I've been adopted but I'd rather that he doesn't know I'm the banished prince of the Fire Nation."

Sela and Gansu agreed and spent a bit of time in silence before Sela smiled mischiviously and asked her son:

"As your new mother I have a right to know about your love-life soo......, do you have a crush on Katara?"

Zuko mentaly facepalmed and looked at Gansu for help but Gansu just got up and said:

"Sorry son, you're on your own. I need to check where Lee took the Avatar and friends."

Zuko glared at hi but Gansu just chuckled and ruffled his hair making Zuko scowl more.

"Just be honest."

And with that, Gansu was gone.


Sela said, getting impatient.

"I don't have a crush on Katara!"

Zuko was blushing and trying to hide it. Sela wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure? You two really seemed to hit it off back there."

Zuko was franticly shaking his head and denying everything so he didn't notice a certain blind Earthbender behind im.

"For the last time Mom! I don't have a crush on Katara!"

Zuko looked down and mumbled to himself:

"Even if I did, she would never like me as Zuko and I wouldn't be able to act as Lee for long:"

Sela gave Zuko a sympathic look and asked one last time.

"So you don't like Katara like that?"

Zuko nodded.


Thats when they heard a sing-song voice behind them.

"I can tell you're ly-ing!"

Zuko turned to see Toph who was smirking a dangerous smirk.

"What are you..-"

Toph interrupted him.

"You can cut the act. I know it's you Sparky."

A/n: BOOM! Did you like that? As always: Please comment and vote or I might abandon the story.

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