Chapter 25: Why Wait 'Til Tomorrow?

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Since meeting Michael's parents a few weeks back, and having that conversation about starting a family, me and Michael have been thinking seriously about adoption.

Michael's right, it is time for us both to be happy. It's been such a long time since we have been, I mean, properly.

Obviously, I've had the time of my life, being with Michael, but there are factors that have ruined it.

Three words; Alex and Lisa.

But they're out of our lives for now, so we don't have to worry about them.

At this moment in time, me and Michael are by the back door, looking out at the garden.

The garden of this place is lovely; dare I say perfect.

Michael's arm is around me protectively, and my head leant against his chest.

"Just imagine," Michael starts dreamily. "Children running around in this garden, playing with footballs and having SuperSoaker wars."

"The thought seems wonderful," I reply, lifting my head from Michael's chest, and looking up at him. "Adopted or biological, we'd love them, right?"

"Trust me, if we didn't love the child, or children, we adopted, we wouldn't have them," Michael assures me.

"I suppose you're right," I reason. "I mean, you seem like the type of person that would naturally love anyone with a good heart."

"I do," he agrees. "But children are my life. Without children in the world, we'd all be nothing. No joy, no happiness. I tell you, if someone was to say to me, "Michael, all the children of the world are gone, they're dead," I'd kill myself. Without children in the world, I'm done."

My eyes widen at this statement. He'd kill himself if there were no children?

"Seems a little crazy, doesn't it?" I ask, earning a confused look from Michael.

"Crazy? How is it crazy?"

"Well.. I've never known anybody feel the way you do about children," I explain.

"And is that a bad thing?" he asks defensively.

"No! Not at all!" I reply. "I think it's cute!"

"Hmm," Michael sighs. "But seriously, tell me all children are dead, and I'll be more than willing to join them."

"See, I admire that," I say softly. "Cos, even though it's a little extreme, it shows the love you have in your heart."

Michael looks down on me, a warm smile on his face. "And at the moment, all the love in my heart is for you."

"But Michael, I'm not the only person in your life, y'know," I say.

"Oh, I know. Obviously, I love my family very much. But the love I have for them is different to the love I have for you," he explains.

"So.. you're saying you have two different loves?" I ask in clarification.

"Well.. yeah. If you put it like that."

"So you have two hearts?"

A failed attempt at humour, Becky. Just admit it.

Despite my awful.. whatever you call it, I earn a laugh from Michael. "Even if I had eighty-seven hearts, I'd still need more for the amount of love I have for you."

I smile at his words, and snuggle close to his chest.

He always knows what to say to make me happy.

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