Chapter 18: Hide Lie Or Die

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The next day

"Oh, that's so cute!" I cry happily, hugging my best friend Jasper and the man he's been seeing: Charlie. "I'm so happy for you!"

They've decided to give themselves a go, and we're spending time together, to catch up. Michael's currently with Lisa, talking about their divorce.

It makes me feel uncomfortable that they're alone together, without me, but at least I know they won't, like, kiss or anything.

I trust Michael.

"So, when are we gonna meet your new Mister?" Jasper asks, sitting down on his sofa and staring up at me hopefully.

"Oh, it'll be soon, don't you worry. But right now, he's with his ex, they're tryna sort out a divorce."

"Ooh, a man with his ex is a bit of a risk," Charlie says, sucking air between his teeth.

"It may well be, but I trust Michael. I know he's a good man," I reply.

I only met Charlie today, but I feel comfortable around him already.

"Yeah, I guess trust is a good thing in a relationship," he agrees.

"So, should we head on out, then?" I ask.

"Oh, yes!" Jasper grins. We grab our jackets and bags, and head out to town.

"So, where to first?" I ask. "Because, being the men you are, I was thinking The Body Shop!"

Obviously that's a joke.. or sarcasm, whichever you prefer to call it.

"Oh, pretty smells and sprays? Count me in!" Jasper winks and tugs Charlie's arm playfully.

I laugh and roll my eyes, and we continue to walk, passing The Body Shop.

"We've been out for, like, a half hour, and we've been in a total of one place. And that was the cookie place!" I complain with a laugh.

Although, cookies are like my favourite food.

"But cookies are worth such an amount of time," Charlie smiles.

"Good point," I reply, and we arrive at the biggest clothes shop in town: Facaccia's.

"Oh, this has everything," Jasper says. "Let's go in here!"

"Ok," I agree. "But I get to go through the revolving doors first!"

"No, me!" Charlie argues.

"I think you'll find it'll be me!" Jasper protests playfully, and we all run to the door.

We all get in there at the same time, and spin the door around as quick as we can.

"It's been forever since we did this, Jasp!" I giggle uncontrollably as we spin.

"I know! Gosh, I forgot how much I loved doing this!" he replies, trying to control his laughter.

"Hey! Can we get in?" multiple fellow shoppers ask impatiently from the outside of the store.

"Oh, we better go inside," I say, stopping the revolving door, when the partition we're standing in comes to the inside of the store.

"I forgot how much fun that was," Jasper grins, walking off-balance. "And how dizzy you get after."

"Right?" I agree, trying to regain a sense of orientation.

"Right, should we start browsing?" Charlie asks, a cheesy grin on his face.

"Yeah, just bear with me a sec," I reply, holding onto the escalator banister to regain my senses.

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