Chapter 13: Medication

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Michael's first POV, yay :D you can decide for yourselves how pointless the ending is.. I'm not sure, heehee.. :p

Michael's POV

So, it's been two days since me and Becky officially became one, relationship wise. But it's Monday, meaning.. I have work.

I've been off a lot recently because of Becky, and all that. It's been worth it, don't get me wrong, but it'll be nice to see all my work friends today.

I'm still in Becky's parents' house, we haven't had chance to move yet. I guess Becky'll be moving into my house, once we're outta here. She doesn't have a house to go back to, seeing as it is Alex's house.

Also, on the subject of parents, Becky hasn't met mine yet. Both my parents are fairly considerate towards my decisions when it comes to girls. Especially my mother. I mean, they both know I've met a girl, but they know, like, nothing about her.

Me and Lisa need to file for a divorce, which'll take a lot of work, but if I want a future with Becky, I'll have to leave her in my past.

It's 6:30am. Monday morning. Becky won't be used to me waking up early for work, so I'll have to write her a note. I don't wanna wake her.

I get up quietly, and head downstairs to get a piece of paper and a pen. Once I've found them, I write Becky a note. My writing isn't the best, but it's readable.


I'm off to work now, so by the time you find this, I'll be gone. I gave you a kiss goodbye, so don't be upset that I left without doing so. The weekend has been the best weekend of my life, thanks to you. You make me happy. I love you.

Michael xxxxxxx

I like to add kisses, to make her feel special. She's actually the only girl I write kisses for, obviously.

I walk back upstairs, and back into me and Becky's room, and rest the note by Becky's side. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep.

I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my hair, etcetera, and walk back into the bedroom to get dressed. I decide on a white shirt with black slacks and penny loafers.

My hair is tied back, for health reasons. Well, I am a doctor, so..

I bend down and kiss Becky's lips while she sleeps, walk downstairs and grab my lunch, which I pre-made last night, and head out the door silently.

Why do I have to be up for work so early? Ugh, that requires such effort! But it's to make people better, so that's a reason to make effort, I guess.

I get in the car and start the ignition, and drive to work. About ten minutes later, I get there.

Ah, the Gary Medical Practice. It's been a while.

I get out the car and enter the building.

"Morning, Michael," Nurse Alexia greets as I walk by.

"Morning," I smile.

I continue to walk to my room, and once I'm there, I unlock the door. I enter the room and sit down at the desk.

I haven't seen this desk in a while. Then, there's a knock at the door.

"It's open," I call. The door opens.

"Morning, Dr. Jackson," my boss, Ash, greets me.

"Good day," I reply with a smile, unpacking my stethoscope, and other equipment.

"Not seen you in a while," Ash says.

"Yeah, well, there have been a lotta family things going on."

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