Chapter 14: Intimate

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Author's note: this chapter won't have any sexual detail, but it will suggest it (kinda).. You've been warned :p

Becky's POV

My phone rings. Jasper.

"Jasper, long time, no speak!" I chuckle.

He really is my best friend. We haven't spoken for a couple weeks. Last time I spoke to him was after me and Michael's first date.

We've been through a lot together, we're always there for one another. Especially when Jasper came out as bisexual a couple years ago.

He was so brave admitting that, and that's why I admire him.

"Bexta, how you doing?" he asks.

"I'm good, you?"

"Yeah, awesome! We need to see each other again, it's been ages!"

"Oh, I know!"

"How's that Michael fella of yours?"

"We're officially an item now--"

"Oh Becky! I'm so happy for you! And actually, I could be an item with someone soon. I've met someone, and we've been talking!"

"Ooh, name?"

"Charlie. Twenty-five years old. Male. He's wonderful, you'll have to meet him soon."

"Jasper! I'm so happy for you! Seriously, it's about time you had a little happiness. So, no girls have been working out for you then?"

"Nah, most of them just can't accept me for who I am. No matter, I've found Charlie now."

"That's good, that's good!"

"So, when did you and Michael start?"

"Oh, two days ago. We sorta.. got together.. on a beach. It was beautiful, real beautiful."

"That does sound incredible. Well, maybe some of your luck will rub off on me. I need a relationship!" Jasper laughs.

"And I'm sure this Charlie fella's great. We'll all have to meet up soon, you, me, Michael and Charlie. Catch up, and you boys can all meet. Yeah?"

"Awesome. So, you heard anything from Alex yet?"

"No. The police are really crap at their jobs. They're questioning him, that's about it. They need to get their asses into gear."

"Too right they do," Jasper replies. "That man is something that I am just too nice to say. Where's Michael now, anyway?"

"Oh, he should be coming home from work any time soon."

"Oh, you never said what he does."

"He's a doctor."

"Ooh," Jasper coos, "Highly paid, then!"

"Ha, yeah, I suppose. He does look so hot in uniform," I chuckle like a 15-year-old school girl, going crazy over their crush.

"Calm down, lass!" Jasper giggles, "Anyway, you gotta come see me and Charlie, once we know whether we're gonna be a thing or not. I can't wait to meet Michael."

"Yeah, we'll sort something out. Decide on you and Charlie's fate soon though, yeah?" I laugh.

"Of course, boss. Anyway, I gotta go. Charlie's gonna be here soon. We're having a date tonight."

"Aww, well, have fun. Speak soon, Jasp."

"Yeah, alright. Bye for now!"

"Bye," I hang up and sit back in my chair.

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