Chapter 1: He's Bleeding Out on Breakfast

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Author's Disclaimer: What you are reading is a first draft that is unedited. The reason for this is very simple: once I start editing, it's on like donkey kong. I tear, I shred, I rip, I rewrite, and I'd like to save all that effort and time for when I'm getting the story ready for publishing--you know, for actually earning money off my efforts. Since this is free, you get it hot off the press. So, apologies ahead of time. 

Author's 2nd Disclaimer: Yes, this story is rated M for mature themes but those themes do not include graphic sex scenes or anything like unto it. If you want porn, go somewhere else. I did my very best to be true to the situation of the story without being graphic. But this is a crime lord and this is a scarred little girl who can see demons. Evil's nasty. However, most of the story is focused on cutesy family feel goods as two broken people learn how to be a family, which I hope satisfies any cravings you may have to see those things in our messed up world right now. It's a story I intended to leave you happier and better than when you started it, not scarred and wishing you'd never found it.

Warnings and intentions aside, thank you for reading. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment to your little heart's content. I don't offend easily and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

--T. S. Lowe


On a rainy Saturday morning in March, eleven-year-old Mimi was on her way to stream cartoons in the public library when she found a bloody guy against one of her favorite dumpsters. A flesh-colored demon crouched over his blood-drenched middle, munching on air.

Mimi knew it was suffering, not air it ate, which meant the guy was still alive. And that her breakfast plans were ruined.

Huffing, she shooed away the demon and crouched down to get a better look. Blood didn't frighten her, nor did wounds. Mimi liked to read books with trauma wounds and gory diseases. Since being a doctor or nurse made good money, Mimi encouraged it in herself. Her mom would be proud if she could make good money, right?

She took his pulse, which was slow but there, and checked his breath. He wore a suit and had suspenders, which she only ever saw grandpas and hipsters wear. Maybe he was a hipster? Not quite old enough to be a grandpa. She couldn't help but notice that the suit felt kind of nice. All crispy like, not frumpy with those little thread balls everywhere like her step-brother's suits had been at her mother's wedding.

"Stomach wounds are tricky..." she muttered to herself. She might not have enough gauze stacked away back home for this. But she'd make do.

Thankfully, she always wore an extra shirt underneath, which she used to try and staunch the flow of blood before looking for his cell phone. She found it, a fancy, expensive looking thing with a cracked screen, but it was locked, so there went the easy way of solving this. She could always go into the bakery that owned the dumpster and have them call an ambulance...

As well as some cops on her. Ever since she'd been caught head first in their dumpster they'd threaten to call down hell itself should they so much as see her near there again, and that'd been scary.

Mimi sighed. There was no way around it, this dumpster was her main local source of food since they threw out their day-old bread, still wrapped and everything. None of the other businesses were open this early too, same as to no one being out and about. It wasn't like they were in a part of the city that people took pleasant morning strolls through. By the time there was anyone to lend her a phone, this dude would probably be dead.

The little demon she'd scared off peeked around the corner of the dumpster and met her eyes. It barred its pointed teeth in a macabre smile and a cold chill ran up her scalp.

Mimi's DemonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ