Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Voight and Stabler set a house on fire (Benson is thankful that's a metaphor), the term "walk through fire" becomes literal, Nolan gets the best news in days, and it turns out when a treasure hunt and a sniper ruins a conference, it gets extended. Who knew?

Also, random thought as I was writing this . . . anyone think that a new disaster trio in the form of TK Strand, Joe Velasco, and Grace Muncy would be an absolute trainwreck of hilarity? Or is it just me?

Enjoy the conclusion of "Survivors" and the end of 9-1-1 Season 4!


The thrill of a hunt never ceased to bore Hank Voight. It was why, even when he had seen officers crumble under the stress of the Intelligence Unit, he remained at his post after all these years. Even when the streets of Chicago threw the darkest and goriest cases at his feet, the satisfaction of a catch and a conviction was better than any shot of alcohol. For Los Angeles to have given him one of those types of cases was a treat . . . especially since he knew the satisfaction of catching Brett's shooter would be priceless.

So when Chief Pate had given them the name and the location of the man with the ammo, Hank had ordered his unit into full gear before anyone else could lift a finger. As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam, and Kevin piled into the vans, Hank realized he had gotten a shadow in the form of Elliot Stabler, the New York detective's face set like stone. "The bastard shot Owen's paramedics," was all Elliot said in explanation, opening the passenger door. "I'm not sitting any of this out."

"Good enough for me," Hank nodded, opening the driver's door. "Let's go."

He could understand why the people who knew them both thought it was a bad idea for him and Elliot to meet. The dangerous spark he saw in the other man's eyes was the same he saw in the mirror when chasing this kind of perp, and the tension in his shoulders indicated an apex predator ready to hunt. The term "setting a house on fire" came to mind, and Hank had never been so glad for an abundance of firefighters in one city.

The SWAT vehicles led the way to their suspect's house, and once all had parked, Hank and Elliot were the first on the ground. "Back entrance?" Hank asked the SWAT leader.

"Yes, sir," he nodded.

Hank looked at Elliot. "Take the back?"

"Got it," Elliot nodded, pointing to Kim and Kevin before gesturing for them to follow him.

As two of his officers and half of the SWAT responders followed Elliot to the back of the house, Hank led Jay, Adam, and Hailey up to the front door. "50-21 George, ready in the front," Jay said into his radio.

A few seconds later, Kim answered. "50-21 Eddie, ready in the back."

Hank nodded to Jay, who disengaged the safety on the rifle he carried. "Go!" he barked.

The SWAT officer who followed them bashed in the door with the battering ram, and Adam tossed a pair of flashbangs inside. After the pair of bangs, Hank hurried inside, gun raised and ready. "Chicago PD!" he bellowed.

"NYPD!" he heard Elliot shout as the back door crashed inwards.

SWAT officers called all clears as they swarmed through the rooms, then a victorious cry from Hailey made Hank change course. "Kenneth Malone!" she barked. "On the ground!"

"Get on the ground!" Jay reinforced the order.

Hank reached the bedroom at the same time as Elliot to find Jay and Hailey with their guns aimed at the head of the bewildered man, his fingers interlocked behind his head. "Kenneth Malone," Hank's gravely voice was laced with anger as Elliot walked around Kenneth with a pair of handcuffs. "You're under arrest."

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