Chapter Fifty-Two

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I wanted to get this done last week to celebrate the return of (all but one of) the shows, but today's my birthday, so I'll take this instead. :) Overall, I'm very excited for all the shows to return, though the ending of Chicago Fire bummed me out, and the upcoming departures of Jay and Amanda brought down the moods for those episodes. The Law & Order premiere event sure as hell lived up to the hype, though. Definitely looking forward to new episodes from the mothership.

Onwards to the episode! The calls for treasure hunt incidents continue, Athena and Nick respond to a call that turns everything topsy-turvy, and it's a race to find the treasure before someone else does. It all turns out in a surprise ending for all, but there is good news around the corner when Owen's concerned.

Enjoy the ending of "Treasure Hunt!"


Ten years ago, before Elliot had left the NYPD, it had been a common occurrence to see him, Owen, and Olivia together. They had been an inseparable trio, and it was always a flip of a coin to see whether they were serious or up to no good. When Elliot had left, it was like an entire limb had been missing, and once Owen and TK had left for Austin, Olivia had been the last of their group to remain.

So even though she thought Owen and Elliot were absolutely bonkers to go after this treasure, she had been more than willing to join their hunt. After all, even though she had Elliot back in New York, who knew when their group would be in the same city again?

"So, surprise surprise, there was a shortage of maps in the city once the treasure hunt began," Owen told them as he gestured to the map spread out on the table in his room. "But I nabbed this one. It's got all the woods and parks in the city, and I marked where the creeks and rivers are. These pins are color coded to willow trees, herons, and bullfrogs." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm not sure what the 'gray bridge roared' means, though . . . "

"Might be a metaphor," Elliot mused, twisting a pencil between his fingers.

Olivia tilted her head, looking down at the map, then noted where a cluster of pins were located. "Knock out Solstice Canyon," she said. "Kat was partnered with Ayanna for the day. They arrested someone there this morning. No treasure."

Owen huffed. "Damn . . . I thought I was onto something there."

"I think she told me about that," Elliot scrolled through his phone. "Aha . . . ooo." He winced. "I didn't know it was possible for someone's arm to look like that."

"I guess that's what happens when you slip on the rocks," Olivia shrugged.

Elliot shook his head. "So much for everyone saying this is no different than playing the lottery. I'm pretty sure no one's ever ended up in the ICU trying to buy a ticket."

"Actually, Buck once told me a story about two people – " Owen began.

"OK, look," Olivia cut across them, and both men blinked at her. "As I said when I agreed to do this . . . let's not end up in the ICU ourselves, got it? The last thing we need is Owen getting another surgery."

"No doing anything reckless like scaling cliffs or digging around gas mains," Owen crossed his heart.

Elliot blinked. "Who dug around a gas main?"

"That was Casey and Herrmann," Owen snorted. "Guy used an excavator. Bye bye, gazebo."

Elliot sighed. "Is nothing safe in this treasure hunt?"

"Given how many people's sanity is burning at the stake, I'd say no," Olivia shook her head, lacing her fingers together and looking down at the map. "So let's just focus on making sure we nail where this is."

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